How to delete duplicate post on local guides connect?

For some reason some of my posts in local guides connect are showing up as posted twice but there is no way to delete any posts. Any advice on how to delete a duplicate post here?


Once submitted a post cannot be deletad, @MarkEpicurean , but just edited.

For this reason I have merged your two post, so to keep all the comments in one place. Feel free to edit your second post adding some more content

Just ress the three blue dots on your post then click on “edit”

Edit your post - Why and How To


@ErmesT thanks but duplicate post on March 21st is still there

Oh, I see now

So you had more than one duplicate.

I have merged the other one now

That’s a bummer @ErmesT as that just happened to me with a comment I posted about a fellow LG’s idea. Well I certainly hope there’s a LG suggested idea/improvement underway to address the issue :face_with_monocle:

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I definitely agree with you @CatC

You can write the idea by yourself, if nobody did it before

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