How to deal with business who put keywords in the business name

A notary have put the keywords in his name in Arabic

مكتب العدول طنجة,-5.8051347,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0xd0b81570914a3bb:0xda1b23bbaa28e061!8m2!3d35.7364!4d-5.8051347!16s%2Fg%2F11s_hglsxl?entry=ttu

عبد السلام المرابط

This business is validated and no way to change it

Is there any way to do the change or delete that business as it’s a suspicious manner ?

His real name is found in the Facebook


Hello @logav ,

If you are very sure about the non-authenticity of such business/s, you can report this to google.

Open the said business → Suggest an edit

You will get the screen as shown in Photo1. Then select “Close or Remove” option, you will get the screen as shown in Photo2. Here you can select the appropriate option and report. Google will verify your reported data and respond to you about changes (if any).

Keep building informed community stronger together.


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Please try to fix the name before reporting the entire pin as suggested by @Kumaarsantosh

If editing the name is not successful, the next step will be to try the redressal form found here:





Maybe @Amiran can help you better than I can.

Using Google Translate it seems like the problem has been fixed. Please confirm, @logav

Cheers again



Thanks, dear @MortenCopenhagen for tagging me.

Indeed it is Arabic, not Persian but I’m also familiar with Arabic but definitely, @NABILazeez is much better to handle Arabic POIs.

@logav @Kumaarsantosh please note that you should not suggest removing a real physical place from the map even if it contains some wrong data like the name.

This place has the name of the city in its name and simply can suggest an edit to its real name. Even in case of not applying you can use the method mentioned by Morten or simply can explain the issue in the GBP forum.

I can also suggest edit since I checked and has enough info about it but it is better if you suggest edit because you’re dealing with this city.

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My suggestion was on edit @Amiran .

Offcourse removal takes the different route.


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Thanks very much for your interest to my case

I found many times this situation without succes to resolve them

As you are in the top level, if you can Edit this

and another

Location Voiture Tanger!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x4b738996939eb8df
have another place,-5.8076875,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x1ebf9d0d10bcc87?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiKkI6J4qT_AhUMVqQEHaj7CXQQ_BJ6BQiJARAI
The real name of the company is Krinicar

As this place has been validated by the owner, its hard to modify it

Thanks a lot of your help and advices

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But I see you shared notes and screenshots of the route to the removal :smiling_face_with_tear:


Note that the high level is not a parameter to apply an edit. It is the accuracy of contributions that is effective.

Anyway, I’ll check more and suggest edits as I can. But it is even better to describe issue in GBP forum as I mentioned above.

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This screenshot from you suggests removal :wink:

All the best


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This also meant for temporarly closed as a first option and such listing still available on Google map with ‘Temporary Closed’ flag @MortenCopenhagen .

Hence not necessarily the removal.

Moreso, the Google itself says ‘Suggest an edit’ how come this is comprehended mandatorily as removal!

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My response was in context to @logav query which state as:

"This business is validated and no way to change it

Is there any way to do the change or delete that business as it’s a suspicious manner ?

His real name is found in the Facebook"

So to help him guide to the steps I have suggested the option given on Google Map as ‘Suggest an edit’.

My response to @logav was contextual and should not be taken as in absolute term.

We need to work more and very hard even to remove Google glitches with the open mind.


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Thanks so much for all your informations

I found many validated places where people put a Business name like (My uncle house or one place somewhere etc… it’s very hard to edit because Google ask the owner if he want to update the sugested edit he always refuse that edit.

Also many people put the keywords as business name and they validate this edit.

I want to clean many Business profiles from Google maps without success.

Hope we can found a right manner to do the edit without deleting the places

I know @Kumaarsantosh but I want only to emphasize that we should suggest best practices as guidance, based on real info and guidelines, not whatever users ask. We should consider all aspects. I hope this helps in the future :raised_hands:

@logav as I told you deletion is only for fake or private places. Other places that are real but with wrong info such as wrong name or wrong location, only should be corrected. Since you want to report many of them, I highly recommend describing issues in the GBP forum. There are lots of good experts like @HelmutG there who are ready to help.

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Where do you recommend I seek help? I physically went to locations where service companies have their house as the storefront with no public entrance and no signage. I tried reporting with suggest edit and readdressal forms with no luck. Where do I go from here?


مرحبا يا عزيزي @logav اسف على التاخر.

تحياتي لكل المرشدين لقد كنتم منشغلا بجني الزيتون اجل،انها مشاكل كثيره لم اجد لها حلا فقط كانت لدي افكار في بناء لبنة لمركز بالمغرب لحل المشاكل التي يتم استغلالها من طرف بعض طفيليات العنكبوتيه الامر لا يقتصر على مكاتب العدول وراء السيارات وكذلك المطاعم واجل في العديد من المرافق السياحيه لكن هناك حلول نستطيع ان نقوم ببنائها من اجل تنظيم هذا المشروع في هذا الوطن،المشكله التي يتحدث عنها هي في استغلال اسم المدينه واسمي ذلك المشروع من اجل جلب كل من يبحث عن هذه الخدمه التي وهي مكاتب العدول لان الناس يبحثون عنها في الخريطه ويحاول ان يكون هو الاول في تلك المدينه لذلك يستعمل هذه الكلمات الرئيسيه ،وهذا مخالف لقوانين في مجتمعنا ولكي نقوم بمعرفه من يقوم بهذه الاعمال لابد ان نعرف معلومات دقيقه كالتاكد من المشروع عبر الرقم الهاتف الصحيح لان لكل مشروع حاليا رقم للاشخاص المتهمين جدا …