How to create list on map

Dear friends how to create a list on Google Map plz help me.



Hi Faizan, It’s really easy.

On a computer:

  1. Just go to the menu and select your places (marked with the map pointer)

  2. Click the header “saved”

  3. In the right bottom corner, you will see a blue dot with a cross.

  4. Click that and you will get the pop up to start your list.

After that, it’s quite simple to add new places from Google Maps and give them a name and a picture. You can also add a small text for the actual list describing the spot you add. If you want to work it, you can also edit the list image you want to be shown first to really make your list look fancy. You do that in the list up in the right corner. It’s fairly the same on a smartphone but can differ some in locations depending on the brand etc.

Here is a list I’ve made for a project.

Good Luck …and don’t forget to share it.

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@Faizan102 Follow thethorough instruction given by @Pembry You can also see the official instructions regarding everything of the list from here.