As video is a great content to bring the place in live for others, we post videos of places to google map. We can post videos but does it look mature? Is it perfectly showing the place? So, first ask yourself these kind of questions. Then you will be able to find out perfection in your work.
Tools to capture video perfectly:
Using tripods for video stabilization.
Using Androids having good quality camera.
Using different gimbals that will help you to shoot perfectly.
Using selfie drones or mini drones for nice video.
[N:B: If you don’t have these tools, no worry. These tools are only for professional cinematography]
If you don’t have these tools, don’t worry. Use your hands tactfully to capture nice video. Slowly move your hands around the place. Capture details of the place like :
How does it look like?
What are the facilities found here?
Any specialty about the place.
Accessibility information.
Attaching informative caption with the video will help others to recognize your video perfectly. Don’t share selfie videos or videos which is not perfectly showing the place. Try to cover all the aspects of the place.
Privacy Issue:
Privacy is a very important rule. Please ensure that everyone who is in your film is completely aware that you are taking the video. So, please ensure their privacy.
That’s all for Today. Happy Guiding!!! Cheers !!!
So, while I agree with some of your statements, I have to totally disagree with some of others. Please do not confuse Local Guides (Volunteers) and business, that of course can pay for producing professional videos.
I agree with the scope of using the videos for giving a representation of the place, so to make your video helpful for the people.
A video can also be a dynamic representation of the storefront.
But there is an element that must be always considered when adding a video, or also a photo: PRIVACY.
Privacy is NOT an option, is a rule. Is the people in your Video / Photo aware that you are filming / photographing them, to publish them on Internet (Google Maps)?
Thank you @ErmesT for a nice reply. I just shared my tools that I use. If anyone doesn’t own any of these tools, they don’t need to buy. Their individual android camera is more than enough. And I have added privacy issue also in my post. Thanks for mentioning by the way.
Thank you Mr. @ErmesT . Yes I definitely take proper consent. Because, I am a health professional in Bangladesh. I am a Dental Surgeon. Consent is a very important and ethical issue for us. So, I also maintain this in my guiding too. Thank you for mentioning.
I wonder how you was able to get the consent of all the people in the train Station, or at the concert (children included), this is amazing. I believe you had to spend hours just talking to everyone.
About children, this is another thing to avoid to post, BTW