Hii Team,
My village name is Beldariya near to Lakhisarai District but it not visible, please find the attached map with village boundaries please verify from your end and add it map.
Village Address:- Village- Beldariya, Post- Aure, Police Station- Ramgarh Chowk, District- Lakhisarai, State- Bihar, Country- India, Pin Code- 811311.
While doing so, include a link and screenshot of an actual document like a map issued by the Bihar state government etc., to support your claim.
By the way, the change would have happened faster through the Content Partner program. However, a map issued by the Survey of India is the only recognised document in any government activity.
Thank you for reaching out. You can follow the tips that @C_T shared with you.
In addition to that, I am marking his reply as a solution, so other Local Guides can refer to it. The purpose of this feature is to help Local Guides find answers when searching on Connect. Please take a look at How do I mark comments as solutions? article.
The How-tos section of Connect is the board where you can share your questions related to the Local Guides program or your Google Maps contributions. To keep Connect more organized, I will move your post there.