How to add signature to my posts

Hello there!

I just forgot how to add signatures to my profile (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and so on) … I currently have a link for my Instagram account but I would like to add the Youtube channel I just created… may you help me?


Hello @marcorp , from your cellphone you can do it like the images.

But I recommend you do it in a laptop o a PC, it is Easyer to handle.


Excellent @marcorp I see that you have just added your Insta link in the signature!

I’M glad that my comment helps you!

Bye bye!


yes, I am trying to improve step by step! thanks a lot for your help.


@marcorp you can add signature by following the steps as suggested by @SebaasC .

But I would like to remind you that you are not supposed to add your social media profile like facebook, Instagram or your twitter accounts that has your personal information which is against the local guides connect terms and i was asked to remove them from my signature which i had earlier as suggested by our dear google moderator @Aruni . So I would like to request you to go through the local guides rules before uploading them :slight_smile:


@VickyKrish thanks for your tips! The Instagram account I provided is only landscape pictures, not personal, Then I put my Youtube channel (not personal) and Google Maps Contributions


@VickyKrish by the way, do you know how can I put my links side by the side or next to each other? (you have yours like that)


@marcorp yeah just use the breaker as i have used in my post that will help you get like mine :slight_smile:

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@marcorp if that doesn’t have your private details then it’s fine :slight_smile:

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Hi @VickyKrish

Thank you for tagging me and comment. @marcorp I would like to suggest that you take a look at these How-to spice up your personal signatures

Please be sure to follow of our Local Guides program rules For tips on creating your own great posts on Connect, please see this post How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?


@Aruni thanks for having a look at this post and helping @marcorp for making a better signature :slight_smile:

Thanks @Aruni always nice to receive useful feedback from this amazing community!

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Brilliant solution @SebaasC . I was wondering the same and would try your solution to add my Instagram link. Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Your are welcome ! @ishoebhasan !

I’m glad my comment helps you!


@Raphael-Mahumane Please tell me how to create signature with links with Facebook, Instagram, … Thanks a lot


Take a look here


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@Thai_Ngh I recently discovered to add signature links.

(Settings 》advance settings 》personal information 》signature)

Copy paste the below code as it is in your signature box


Add your Instagram/Facebook I’d without removing the “double quote”

I hope this helps!

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Hello @Thai_Ngh

This post by @dinitelmo really helped me create my own signature. Just click here.


@PriyankaU @Thank you. Appreciate

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@Zino Appreciate

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