How can I add roundabouts, intersections and interchanges to the map ?
@Behzad Adding roundabouts, intersections, and interchanges are not available now. So we cannot add them to the maps. Hope this helps.
@Behzad Local Guides cannot directly edit information in the transportation layer, ie roads etc.
If we find any roads or connection that needs to be updated, please use the Send Feedback function in the menu. Google will evaluate the information and apply/reject base on internal verification process.
For sending feedback on road segments, do read this.
Read this link for more information for sending feedback about anything else other than road segments.
Thank you.
I read other posts as well and at one post moderator said… Google doesn’t allow addition of crossroads and intersection coz it doesn’t make sense on navigation…you just take left and right. No one need to know what intersection you are at.
I have been on connect for last 2 years and these reason I’m not regular user is coz it hardly helps. Now i tried to add intersection and realized I can’t add one. There are 4-5 important interaction around me and many of them look similar and few have market around them. So it would be better if they were added to the map coz official they have names and Chowks (Intersection) have importance in India. As far feedback thing is concerned I don’t think this will ever work my genuine edits are still pending i have little hope a mere feedback will led to new feature on gmaps.