How to add a road is n google map

Can any local guide tell me the procedure that how can I add missing roads or can add more pics, videos and information to update any road on map



A good starting point would be to read this:

And keep in mind that not all features to add roads are available in all countries as explained in:

We can and should not add photos or videos to roads.




Hallo, @Mkashif401 , welcome back in Connect after a long time.

There are at least two ways for adding Roads in your country:

  • Following the procedure illustrated by @MortenCopenhagen . Adding roads in Maps works better on desktop, where you can use the new Road Editor. I wrote a lot of details and insights in here: Roads in Google Maps: 2000+ roads later … . Feel free to ask in the post if something is not clear for you.
  • Contributing on Road Mapper. The program is for desktop only, and is developed to provide challenges on a limited area selected by an AI. The program is active in your country too, and I personally added around 850 Km of roads in Pakistan. If you are interested please read: Looking for access to Road Mapper?

On the existing roads you can add a blue line with the Street View Program. To do this you need a 360 camera capable to collect videos. For more details about the tools you can check . The 360 videos can be uploaded in Maps by using the new Street View Studio for desktop and will be transformed in a blue line in just a few days


Hi @Mkashif401 ,

You got great tips and useful information from the fellow Local Guides.\

I just want to let you know that I will change the topic of your post to How-tos to keep Connect organized. This is the place where you can ask questions, share tips and feedback about Connect and the Local Guides program.


Hello @Mkashif401 . I’m following your post as I’m in a country where adding roads is not allowed by Google. Very interested to read whatever gets posted here.

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Hello @tony_b

Am also in a country where adding roads are not allowed in west Africa. Nevertheless following the procedures given by @ErmesT in his posts I was able to add roads in other continents and countries far away from me.

For instance I was able to add roads in India,south America etc. Therefore please look up the posts in the first reply of this thread. Kindly let us know if you have more questions or.need more help regarding this. Thank you.

Happy guiding



Thanks for your help

I will follow your instructions

Thanks again

Thanks you @ErmesT for your help and guidance

I will try to follow your instructions.

Thanks again

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