How scouting new restaurants and events leads to a wonderful life.

After being a part of Google Maps For about a year now. I found every time I open the app to look for a new place to eat or go, I find excitement in what new stories, people and possibilities I might find. From a bar that will never allow you to feel lonely or unwanted, to a restaurant that has my new favorite sandwich so many varieties of sauces and is dog friendly, to a beautiful park that I can take my wonderful girlfriend to so we can spend quality rare time outside, and that’s just the places to go! The people we meet when going to locally owned restaurants are essentially our neighbors, with wonderful stories and wisdom to pass on! And on very special occasions when I’m in a big metro area I love to get lost but not to lost with Google Maps, always by my side and always giving more. So in a way I would like to say thank you, Google Maps.

From your friend and your neighbor,

Mykel Mietlinski