I have worked in the restaurant industry for a decade now. What started as an easy college job turned into a desire to learn. I hope to one day own my own restaurant, and as a home cook, it was important to me to learn from the inside out. I have worked prep, cashier, server, hostess, bartender, manager. It was something that grew evermore important as I was mistreated by owners and managers to make sure I never did the same. I can tell rather quickly, from any bad experience where my service went wrong. And in that I am a very forgiving customer. It leaves for very honest and non-biased reviews. Taste is important, yes. Ambiance a huge factor. Is the staff kind, another check mark. But, ultimately it is important to be aware. A place could be short staffed in the boh (back of house) that you wouldn’t have even guessed- or many other factors that can be out of a restaurants control. Anyone can leave a review. Meaning they still have impact to the restaurant. To the owner that puts in 70 hour work weeks. To the staff that might be over worked. Whatever it might be, remember to be observant. Remember to be fair. Remember your server has a life outside of serving you food. Remember that people make mistakes. Part of my observation and what contributes to a 5 star review is, how is the staff treated? Does everyone seem genuinely happy? That’s a part of the overall ambiance that I just cannot ignore and is also a tell for if I want to keep spending my money there. Be kind and eat happy!
hi sir, i can understand your journey of food industry . because i am also worked in food industry . last 6 years . like you said i also done different kind of roles in restaurants.same like cooking ,serving ,billing , customer service ,etc.,
like you said its happening to staff like us . we also want some respect and recognition from our company and and customers also. so your correctly.said. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Having worked in food service, I think you bring a very fair point for us to consider when writing reviews of dining venues or spots. The way they treat their employees can have a waterfall effect and influence the overall mood and vibe of the location and even trickle down to the very service you receive from a hostess or waiter. Great point to raise @Jnplants .
Hello @Jnplants ,
Welcome to Connect!
Keep in mind that one of the requirements for Connect Live 2020 was to share your post on the Local Stories board. Just to let you know, I’ve moved your post there.