How plan A Meet up

Dear friends,
Many local guides host meet up all over the world and a lot of local guides want to attend meet up whichever they found nearby. Many local guides organise a meet up without proper planning. So think about time, date, location, transport connectivity and expenses of other local guide before hosting a meet up. Think about all age group of all local guides, convenient suitable Time in which other local guides can feel comfortable to reach preferably after 10 AM or any acording to weather friendly ,transport connectivity which should be easily available from all major stations or bus stands to that meet up location prefer public transport or it should be cheaper and nice to travel. The food and drinks should be easily and budgetry available in meet up location. Keep in mind about all age group local guides so carry some necessary medicine in your bag for emergency. Post all necessary guidelines and contact number for attendees in second anouncment. Please don’t force them to join any other website group to take further informations. Respect to all local guides and contact personally who shows their interest to attend the meet up and follow the prier fixed schedule till end. Take food or snacks combined respecting all local guides dignity. Enjoy everything collectively as local guides team. Mostly heritage buildings or tourist places are on map and have thousands photos and reviews already so try to search some new in public interest missing places or such places where photos and reviews matter to help to other.

Thank you



Thank you for sharing @Partap

@Partap Thanks for sharing this. Useful.

Also sharing another useful post on how to organize a successful meet up written by a Google moderator.

@Partap good for new LG thanks for the post


Totally loved what you shared. Very useful and relevant

A very good collection of ideas. thanks for sharing

really helpful

Sir any update for meet-up in delhi

Any update for meet-up in delhi NCR India then reply to this post