While growing up as a kid**,** I remembered we rearing local chicken which is often referred to as backyard chicken.
We watch over them with care, feed and also allow them play around the neighborhood while they find their way back home. Its almost like auto-pilot, they are good at recognizing their own. But one day some of them sent out and never returned. We searched for weeks without avail.
But something amazing happened.
My mum went on a visit to her friend’s house within the neighborhood, which is about three streets away from ours, less than 25min walk. Surprisingly, she noticed some cockerel running after her but she ignored and kept on. After some minutes, she looked back again and saw them still running after her.
On looking closely, she found them to be our missing cockerels. Someone in the neighborhood stole them but they knew they don’t belong there.
Like our chicken, you may find yourself at the wrong #location but note that following #localguides can be of tremendous help.
Why keep silent when #help is near?
#Enjoy your day!