How Ninth level Procrastinator are preparing for Applications to attend Connect Live 2020

Every year I am telling to my-self that I will not to wait for the last moment … and every year I do the same mistake.

At present moment 7 days left before applications close. I do not have video, I just made the post…

But, lets start from the beginning

I have a dream. Very big and beauty dream - visit USA.

When I was 10 years old I so on TV “Home Alone 2”. I still remember how New York was looking in this movie - Central Park, skyscrapers… Duncan’s Toy Store (I know that this is not real store, but:))) )
From that time I started to dream about visit this country

After 20 years I got this chance - I wanted to send a photo to a friend, but clicked on wrong icon. So my first photo appeared on the maps).

Since that time I become the level 9 Local Guide, I uploaded 11906 photos & 3387 videos, earned 87 372 points, but still I am doing this post in the last week before application)

So, to summaries - I am 34 year old Ninth level Procrastinator with big dream - visit USA . Hopefully , my dream will implement to reality sometime.

Sorry, that I am doing this post during the last week before aplication. Hopfully, I am not alone in this))

With best my regards for all of you,