What is the approximate amount of Level 9 LGs in Poland? I’ve been looking for this kind of data all over, but to no avail.
@piczum unfortunately the team is not sharing that kind of information, so nobody will be able to tell you. But having gotten to level 9 is quite an achievement in its own right, no matter which country - so : congratulations to you
Sure, I understand policy. However, I daresay that such high level stats without sharing any sensitive data would be an additional incentive to climb the level ladder. As is, a term ‘high achievement’ is very subjective and relative.
You can take a look at the leaderboards for countries. But keep in mind that the sample size is very limited.
Another source is https://lgstats.xyz/ where the sample size is way bigger. If you are not included you can instruct the system to also track your profile.
Cc @JanVanHaver
@piczum The levels are points driven, so the incentive to get more points is the knowledge that you’ll eventually go up another level. Anyone at Level 9 has certainly achieved a lot more points than those from Level 8 back down to Level 1. Congrats on your performance so far.
But points are not the only way to assess your achievements. The Top 100 Leaderboards System created by Connect Moderator @AdamGT and made available to all Local Guides does a good job of highlighting other achievements and promoting different ways to improve what we do.
In other posts, it has been suggested that the Leaderboards aren’t just for competition against other people, but for analysis of your own performance. Even on the Country Leaderboards where I am top for my country, I don’t know how many others are participating, or if there are any others at all because I don’t see any activity that can be identified. So I measure and improve my own performance despite all else.