How Local Guides habits influencing Youtube Content Creators.

I have Local Guides fellow who are acitively to upload their video on Youtube.

Some common things that influencing their content on Youtune are :

  1. Add a list of places on their Youtube Description

  2. Link their location to Google Maps on their Youtube Description

  3. Their habits reviewing places on Google Map raise up their competency to give explanation to their Channel viewer.

  4. Add some screen shoot or couple second video of Google Maps view.

Here some Local Guides friends that also Youtube Content Creator.


One boy mom who love traveling and visiting places that save and convenience for her beloved boy and make it as her content such chocolate shop, swimming pools, book stores, library and solo traveling with her 360 degrees camera and of course her meet-ups real life with Jakarta Local Guides, for example when she host the 15th Aniversary of Google Maps.


He love traveling around Indonesia especially hunting the rare place that sophisticated for tourism or cultivate Indonesia cultural heritage.

This is his video about Local Guides :


This husband and wife love travell a lot. Around Indonesia and other countries.

The tipical of this couple is well planning traveling so they can optimize every single dollar they spent to have valuable things.

Here is their channel.

Here pictures of Youtube Content Creator and Local Guides Indrera Kusuma Sejati and Mike and Ty when visiting Local Guides Booth at Jakarta Communities Gathering last 2019.

@Kristianto_01 .

Local Guides that also now focus as a Youtube Content Creator.

His Channel contain his hobby about singing bird, travelling and reporting about some activities in some places.

Here is one of his video content :

@ndraverne and @debbyregINA .

This young married couple always gother and make some review that uploaded here on localguidesconnect or in their Youtube channel.

@br14n .

This multitalented Local Guides is very active in many communities aroun d Batu, Malang and East Java.

I met him first time when we bith invited by Google Maps when launching motor bike route for the first time.

@VeronikaDesi .

She is passionate to explore her hometown tourist attraction and social volunteering activities on Google Maps, Social media and Youtube.

She expose on MetroTV a big national television in Indonesia.


Hi Pak Budi, i think my post about your Explanation and experience in my youtube channel is one of most viewer for youtube Local Guide content. its always increase every year specialy when youtube send inviting mail all Local Guide around the world to go to google headquarter.

Its very helpfull for local guide that who want to know how and what happen when they invited to Google…

Lets Guide!!!


Those are very interesting videos you have shared @BudiFXW

Among the vedio, I liked @Ddimitra , @Mikeandty , @Kristianto_01 concepts very much. My best wishes for them


Hi, I hope you are in good healthy condition. @ShakilAK .

They are wonderful Local Gudes. I am happy to know them well.

I always lear something new from them

You should come and visit them.


Pak @BudiFXW

Love this post , great collaboration local guides and YouTube content creator


Hi @BudiFXW

Wowwww my name in here…

Thanks for lovely words you describe me.


Hi @ShakilAK

Thank you for you nice opinion. Really appreciate it…


Thanks for the invitation dear @BudiFXW

Surely I will come some day and meet wonderful LG in your country


I know you mom @Ddimitra .

Hope you keep on contribute on Google Maps and Youtube Content.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.

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@BudiFXW Good job


Thank you @SvitlanaChurina for your appeciation.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.

Hope you and @JaneBurunina are in good condition and healthy in Ukraine.

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