How Local Guides are Helping Transforming The Cities around The World!

Imagine yourself on a messy cross road somewhere in the city centers of India or Pakistan, that is full with frequent similar road signs, hanging banners and bill boards. And you are now taking pause to filter similar arrow signs pointing towards a single direction, you have got lot of options to take your decision for a turn at that cross road.

You have landed somewhere in Europe and say, you are in old city center in Prague, on the crossroad and you are not seeing the mess of those arrows, name boards of nearby locations and arrows pointing those locations.

This triggered my thought process when i was standing at this cross in Prague and I was recalling my lifelong experiences back in my country. This is what my one of early observations in Europe are. Particularly my first sight to the cities have made me to think about the gravity of the impact that my reviews and other minor contributions as local guide, are unknowingly helping in transforming our cities to be more visible, open and attractive.
Besides adding a beauty to our cities, our contributions are helping our urban managers and governments to manage the cities with better and efficient ways. Detailed digital presence of our cities and other locations are saving our lot of taxes that can be spent on other priorities like heath and education.
These two perspective have restored my faith to be more active as local guide. I am now a new version of my self to pay back to my community as a happy Local Guide!


Indeed, I can totally relate it. Being dweller of South Asia where urban planning is still not as organized as in Europe or other developed counties. There google map and local guides are contributing on large extend in navigation and good places for lodging or dinning.

Hello @Arshad-92 ,

Welcome to Connect!

Keep in mind that one of the requirements for Connect Live 2020 was to share your post on the Local Stories board. Just to let you know, I’ve moved your post there.

Thank you so much.

Do I need to do anything else or it is fine?

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