How I met Sara and why I love Google Maps

Hello friends,

I am Joshy from India. What I love sharing most on Google Maps is photos of places where I visit

(added about 17,000+ photos with 22,000,000+ views!). I also add new places to the map so that it will benefit the community. I review places and make edits if there is any discrepancy in the given info. I am glad that our contributions are helping others.

Let me share a real life story with you all.

Back in April 2017, I was waiting for Bus back to Train station after visiting Openluchtmuseum at Arnhem, Netherlands (see my review and photos from that visit). At that time, a father came with his 2 young children to take Bus back home. The children came and sat with us in the shed. We started talking with them, and later understood that they only knew Dutch. I asked the boy :- “What is your name?” and his father replied - “Kush.” “And your’s young lady?” He told something in Dutch to her and her face reddened with shyness and she replied “Sara…”

She then went back to her father and told something in Dutch and he replied - "Je moet vertellen ‘His name is Kush.’ " Ok, now I started to understand little bit of Dutch. She asked her father how to say her brother’s name in English. She then asked - “Hoe ik mijn naam vertellen?” And he replied - “My name is Sara.”

DSC_0599.JPGShe came to us and told - “His name is Kush. My name is Sara.” I replied - “Hi Sara, I am Joshy from India.” 'India?" both the children’s face widened. May be they might be hearing it for the first time. “Waar?” Kush asked. His father translated - “He is asking where it is?”… “Far, faaaar away… You have to cross seven seas and seven mountains to reach India…” My exaggeration was translated by their father and their eyes become more widened… “Really??”

We still had 5 more minutes for the Bus. “Ok Sara, I will teach you Hindi, you teach me Dutch, agreed?” I told her. Her father became our translator. Hello, namasthe, hello… Good Morning, Suprabhath, goedemorgen… Bye, Namaskar, doei… Thank you, Dhanyawad, Danks… I learned and hoped they too learned…

The bus came, the kids ran into it, their father and the great gang of us 6 Indians… The bus stopped before Arnhem City Center and the gracious father and his 2 blessed kids stepped down from bus…

While stepping down, Sara looked back to us and told…

…tot ziens"


Hi @joshy_kurian ,

Just to let you know, I’ve noticed that your post has a Dutch label tag. Please note, I’ve removed it. To learn more about those labels please take a look at the How do I find posts in my preferred language?