How I make my place more local ..and thus the rest of the world


I’m a Local Guide from germany. I love to explore unknown areas and find places that no one knows, only to share them with everyone else.

Maps and also we Local guides take the barriers between the cultures and language.

According to “Ok Google, How many languages are spoken today in the world, the answer is 6500+” this means that there might be 6500 or more ways to call a specific place or service. For example, for a place where we can buy medicines, it is called drug store in USA, pharmacy at my home… A place named drug store is something completely different in my country. But with Google Maps I can add a new pharmacy and no matter which country someone comes from, he can search and find this place in his own language.

It’s no secret that Local Guides have an impact in the world. By sharing my knowledge and contributing to Google Maps, we are helping millions of people every day. But did you know that you are also making the world a better place?