How I can see the link? Help

Zasto ne mogu otvoriti

link koji se nalazi na donjoj fotografiji zaslona - screenshot


Do you have the possibility to use another browser @user_not_found ? Or open it on another device (other computer, phone, tablet)? The URL works fine when I open it. There seems to be some general problem for you with links, as you also mentioned this in another post.

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Situacija je vrlo čudna. Na stranici LGC koja je na screenshoot ne mogu otvoriti link. Ali ako link prepišem, onda ga mogu otvoriti.

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@JanVanHaver i so not Like other browsers than Safari. Too much advertising in Chrome.

Tko dodjeljuje Solution ? Solution se pojavljuje i u situaciji kada nije razriješeno neko potanje, dakle posve pogrešno i nepotrebno.

@user_not_found you will find the explanation about Solutions here:

Dear @JanVanHaver ,

Puno hvala za brzi i linkom potkrepljeni odgovor. Za divno čudo uspio sam otvoriti link. Većinu linkova na ovom LGC ne mogu otvoriti. Na linku stoji da onaj tko je otvorio link može odabrati Solution. Medjutim u praksi nije tako. Prema tome informacija nije u potpunosti točna, moram to primjetiti i ispraviti vas netočan navod. U privitku dokaz u obliku screenshotove.

I would not say the information is incorrect @user_not_found , but rather incomplete. I have not re-read the post I sent you before sending it, but I guess it doesn’t not include the fact that also Moderators can mark comments as solution. That’s what happened here.

And about the links: it seems your preferred browser has a difficulty with links that are coupled to texts, which is why I included the full link in my previous answer. I have no experience with Safari myself, so I can’t really test that.

Da, u pravu ste @JanVanHaver moderatori ovdje mogu puno toga, a njima se i puno vjeruje, mada često naprave pogreške. Kaže se da je ljudski griješiti, samo sto se moderatorima greške najčešće opraštaju, a korisnicima se ništa ne oprašta. Mišljenja sam da takva situacija ne stvara pozitivnu klimu u demokratskim društvima u kojima jednakost medju ljudima treba biti prioritet.