How do you view your badges? Is there a progress bar for badges not yet earned?


I’ve looked at several posts on this forum as well as the Google Help Desk for local guides and it states to click on your profile to view your badges. When I do just that, I see the amount of points I’ve earned as well as more specific statistics, however I do not see what badges I have earned. I’ve also checked out my profile here and it did not have specific badge information. Looking at the public profile view, I am able to see the reviews I’ve left to date, but not the badges earned. I grew up on Steam, I need the dang badges. Please see the attached photos for reference. Is there another place for me to check that I’ve missed?



Die Abzeichen kommen je mehr man sich beteiligt und Beiträge leistet.

Viel Erfolg und Spaß dabei .

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Hi @itwasmedionysus

The badges are only visible on the Google Maps mobile app and not on the desktop browser.

For the viewing badges please follow these steps;

  • Open the Google Maps app.
  • Tap on “Contribute” from the bottom right corner.
  • Tap “View your profile”.
  • Click on points.

Hi @itwasmedionysus

Here is a screenshot of your Maps badges as seen in the mobile app:




Hello again, @itwasmedionysus

Generally there are 3 levels for each Maps Badge. Except the New contributor badge which has only one level.



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@itwasmedionysus , apart from the answers already given, please tap on the badges when you find them, to see your progress details under each one.

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Hello @itwasmedionysus

I’m happy you got detailed and good answers from fellow moderators and active local guides already.

By the way welocme to local guides connect forum. If you don’t mind,here is a** :point_right:t3: Welcome-to-Connect-Card-for-you.**Feel free to interact and participate actively here on connect. Tell us more about yourself here on this link.

Happy guiding


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