When I open the Google Maps app → profile, I don’t see an ability anymore to view my photos and the view count of those photos.
Anyone know where it went?
When I open the Google Maps app → profile, I don’t see an ability anymore to view my photos and the view count of those photos.
Anyone know where it went?
Hello Victor, I have checked your profile and the photos could be seen normally.
O don’t find nothing wrong from my cellphone.
Are you referring to those photos?
Looks like photos in the app are back. ‘Photos’ tab was gone and I noticed it was on and off yesterday. Perhaps Google is having an API issue of sorts.
Glad you see your photos.
Have a nice day!
Remember to tag the user you are responding example @victor35 .
So the user receive a notice you are referring to him /her.
Какая-то проблема с фотографиями есть. Второй день невозможно нормально посмотреть все добавленные фото: часть показывается, а потом останавливается. Невозможно листать ниже и смотреть остальные фото. Можно нажать на кнопку “фото” - открывается белая страница. Или страница с фото открывается нормально, но когда меняешь сортировку на “популярные” - открывается белая страница. Проблема то присутствует, то проходит. Но пролистать все фото от начала до конца невозможно со вчерашнего дня.
I can confirm the findings reported by @BelayaLisa .
On Android the scrolling down was limited.
Suddenly my list of most viewed photos was just a white page with the heading Photos at the top.
Then suddenly my list of photos by date was also missing.
I then restarted the app and everything was back to normal.
Latest: the problem is back. Maybe one or a group of servers are having a bad day!
I’m missing all my photos when I click on ‘view my profile’ This happened last year too. When my photos returned 43 were missing, gone!!! I stopped being a local guide, but returned 6 months later. Is it just me losing photos or is it everyone?..Hello btw, I’m new to this forum…found it on a search
This seems to be an issue reporting recently also by other Local Guides, @Kieron213 .
However I can’t confirm what is visible in your profile, because it is restricted
Me pasa lo mismo que a @Kieron213 no me aparece ninguna fotografía en " tus contribuciones " y hace unos minutos me llega un email referente “a tu foto es popular”, voy a buscarla y tengo fotografías, solo reseñas.
When you click on ’ contribute’ you get the option to ‘view your profile’ Normally when you do this, you get your profile at the top, then your photos, then your reviews. The photos have now gone. Hundreds…ie. all of them. All it’s showing is reviews. If there is a problem why on earth does Google not tell us then we don’t spend time clearing cache and forcing stop etc …I enjoy local guides but the technical issues get a little annoying…
I’m new to this. I’m sorry, I am having problems translating… I’ll keep trying and will get back to you.
Hola @Kieron213 ese es procedimiento que hago, es la primera vez que me pasa que desaparezcan todas las fotos, no haber infringido ninguna norma y si es un problema técnico tendremos que esperar a que lo solucionen
Saludos desde Uruguay
Quise decir " No tengo fotografías "
You can use the translator on the top of every thread on the right corner.
Also please use @ when responding, to tag the person you are taking with. This will send a notification and it will be easier to follow the conversation.
@CAAG1959 , this seems to be a common issues, I’ve just checked a few profile. Let me tag @DeniGu here for a check
Hola, gracias por tu ayuda. Sí, supongo que tendremos que esperar. No creo que sea por una infracción. Creo que es otro problema técnico. Es muy molesto
Hola @ErmesT se que harás todo lo que esté a tu alcance como siempre.
Saludos desde Uruguay
Cómo está Uruguay hoy? Descubrí cómo traducir usando Google
I don’t understand your comment about using @?. Surely if I click ‘reply’ to the person I am replying to, it should…well…reply?
What’s the ‘@’ for?
If you make your profile not restricted in the settings (under personal content) we might be able to help you better.
@Kieron213 desde el punto de vista sanitario, estamos bastante bien, los que recibimos Sinovac vamos a recibir la 3er. dosis, económicamente, se está reactivando poco a poco, socialmente, los índices indican una baja sustancial. Esperemos que con las vacunas y una buena responsabilidad social, esto cambie en poco tiempo.
Saludos desde el Paisito.
Saludos desde Uruguay