@abeloscar asked the following question in another thread.
Hello, @MortenCopenhagen I appreciate the suggestion of a new thread, as I do not know that step. I ask how to upload photos and text in photography, but the photos grouped in album when there are several, plus the text. Thanks for the help you can receive.
You can read about how to create a new question here and here.
But now I just created this new thread for you. I hope it’s OK with you. See my reply to your question below.
Dear @abeloscar
If you want to share a lot of photos under Photography here on Connect you can upload your photos to Google Photos and share them in an album.
You can then post the link to the shared album by pasting the link into the text of your post. It might be a good idea also to upload at least one photo directly to Connect which will then become the cover photo representing your post.
You can add text directly in the post and you can add captions to each photo in the Google Photo Album.
I hope this answers your questions.
Me apasiona la fotografía, por eso consulté como subir fotos, porque no podía lograrlo, agradezco a todos los @ Guías Local que tuvieron la deferencia con los consejos para que pueda lograr mi cometido, dichos aportes fueron muy útiles. Ahora comenzaré a preparar mi trabajo para publicarlo. Infinitas gracias por la valiosa ayuda. Un gran saludo abeloscar
Hi @abeloscar
Always happy to help.
It would be really helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply.
Feel free to tag me when your project goes live.
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Hola @MortenCopenhagen leí con mucha atención a tus valiosas repuestas, me van a ser muy útiles para realizar mi proyecto. Te agradezco enormemente tu ayuda. Un gran saludo desde Argentina abeloscar
Hallo Morten,
wieder mal ein super Tip von Dir. Das werde ich die Tage mal ausprobieren
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