Since I started to post pictures in Google maps, I like to walk in my neighborhood looking for new places and unfortunately editing places that closed.
One day I found one seamstress, she is really a very good seamstress, so I added her in google maps and now I post pictures when she reform some clothes to me.
Now I hope when the people see the pictures they have ideas what they can do you with your old clothes and send to this seamstress to reform.
Another thing I do to help small businesses it is taking many pictures inside the shop, so the people can see the pictures and have some idea what type product they can found, like in this supermarket I take many pictures and the people can see how fresh is the products.
Now we can found Christmas decoration, so I post pictures about decoration that you can found and buy, I did some lists that can help, but the lists still is not very useful to this, the lists it is very nice but need be improved.
Hi @alexandradias to me this is one of my favorite things about all local guides program, we are helping small business, simple people who work a lot to keep their business alive and sometimes they don’t know how or don’t have time or big money to invest on publicity and Google Maps has the perfect tools for help this people. Thank you for help the seamstress and all the small business you are making difference on this people’s lifes😍
This is an interesting theme for us. I think that helping small businesses is one of the important our activity, especially in a countryside small town or market.
If we’ll be aware of something good ideas, we can suggest it to Google through Idea Exchange. Talk a lot and suggest them!
Hi @alexandradias , first let me say Thank You for sharing your thoughts thru this post. Yes, helping small businesses thru Google Maps is also one of my favorite contribution as a Local Guides. The impact seems more real and can be seen.
The happy face from them when they see their businesses are now live on Google Maps is another bonus!
I also agree with @HiroyukiTakisawa , if you have an exciting ideas about the features, kindly write it on Ideas Exchange board.
May you’re always on the full spirit on helping others!
Thank you for raising with this post one topic that matters to me. I think that small business represents the spirit and the authenticity of a community, and they deserve a space in our daily life.
I remember, as a kid, going shopping to the grocery right next to my flat. The owner became one of our friends because we were all part of the same community.
Hola @alexandradias , es un gran post el que tienes aquí, una iniciativa notable, que es muy simple pero poderosa en su impacto , la púnica manera de otros puedan conocer un sitios es con una imagen y si lo tienen en Google Maps mucho mejor, tener en cuenta que cuando cada usuario hace una búsqueda, (no es necesario que entre en Google Maps), salen los resultados de por ejemplo esta costurera, con las Fotos que tú subiste a GM, y allí es donde se hace la magia, de nuestras acciones. . gracias por compartir.
Muito legal sua atitude viu, eu tenho tentado fazer o mesmo aqui também e ajudando a comunidade da forma que dá.
Há muito pessoas aqui que vendem seus produtos nas suas e grande maioria são feitos a mão, por exemplo meias de tricô. Ao invés de ir em shoppings e comprá-las de lojas de marca, eu compro algumas coisas dessas pessoas, além de o produto ser de ótima qualidade, ajudo um pouco a comunidade local.