How do I get hired as a Trusted Photographer?

Hello, tell me, can I make money on steet view and how? I have the status of a photographer. The fact is that I never understood how I could make money.


Welcome back, @brillianteconomist

Please consider using the section dedicated to streetview discussions here on Connect.

Also, this post might answer parts of your question:


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Hi @brillianteconomist , yes you can, but carefully

I suggest you to explore the Google Street View website (Hire a trusted pro, boost your visibility ) to understand more about the business aspect of the Street View Trusted Photographers program.

After that, make sure to check the link shared by @MortenCopenhagen to avoid contributions that may be in conflict with your Local guide status


Hi @brillianteconomist ,

Thanks for reaching out. You can follow the tips that @ErmesT and @MortenCopenhagen kindly shared with you.

In addition to that, I am marking @ErmesT 's reply as a solution, so other Local Guides can refer to it. The purpose of this feature is to help Local Guides find answers when searching on the Connect. Please take a look at How do I mark comments as solutions? article.

As well, I changed the title, so it will be easier for Local Guides to understand what the post is about.

P.S.: I have moved your post to How-tos, as there would be a better exposure of audience.

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