How do I add a picture for my local guide post?
Hi, Zoltano!
You need to go to your local guide profile and work from there let me know if you manage to post your photo.
It is quite discomforting, @Zoltano , to see that you didn’t read a single line of my post.
Btw, our Help desk is full of helpful post.
This is what you are looking for: Uploading a photo on Connect? Read these guidelines first
Tagging @Giu_DiB for moving your post, so it can be helpful for others
Hi @Zoltano ,
Welcome to Connect! I moved your message to the How-tos section, where questions like yours can get an answer and be helpful for other members with the same doubt.
As @ErmesT already correctly replied, I am marking his comment as a solution.
To know more about our community, I suggest you read these 14 helpful tips for using Connect and the post What are Connect topics?