How could u know and contact with near local guides?

Could u tell me ways to contact with near local guides in my community as i want to participate and create meet ups and i can’t reach any because their gmails are unavailbe to see and they aren’t active on local guides connect


Hi @mai

For everyone’s privacy, Google do not make, nor share, this kind of information. But for sure you can search in Connect using your location as keyword, to find post related to your area. How do I search on Connect? is a usefull post to know how to use the search tool


Hello @mai ,

If you would like to host or plan a Meet-up, I recommend reading How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up which gives you helpful ideas on the types of activities you can plan and some guidance and tips for helping you organise a successful event for yourself and the Local Guides in your area.

However, there are no guarantees that the LG community has a large contingent in your area but don’t be discouraged. What are your tips for first-time meet-up hosts? has a ton of advice for people like yourself that are interested in planning a Meet-up.

P.S. I relabeled your post to Meet-ups as it fits better there.


Hello @mai
i see that you from Egypt
i am Abdullaziz Aly level 9 local guide from cairo Egypt
you are welcomed to join our community on facebook
we are hosting a monthly meetup you can join us.

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Thanks for your time!

Your response was really helpful!


Thanks for your time!

I will definitely keep these advice in mind!


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welcome Abdullaziz!

Unfortunately i am not from cairo as our local guides meet-ups are all in cairo that’s why i can’t particiate for a while!

I want to organize meet-ups in rural areas otherthan cairo.

Here are places worth exploring.

I am already in the facebook group.

thanks for your time!


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ok you can contact us so we can arrange that together

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Would like to meet a google local guide in person or on phone.

Looking forward

Hi @Surjitbalaggan ,

Welcome to Connect!

To find fellow Local Guides from your area, try searching the community for mentions of your city/country to find posts that have that name in the title, body of the post, or the location tag. Feel free to jump into these conversations, engage with the Local Guides near you, and plan a meet-up. Please take a look at this article How to organise a Meet-up.

Please try to mention your location in the subject line of your post (i.e. Meetup at [your city]) or in the ““Location”” field. This way, other Local Guides who are from the same area can find your post easily.

I redacted your personal contact details from the post. You might not know but we do not encourage Local Guides to share private information publicly on Connect in order to protect yours and other users’ privacy and safety. If you wish to get in touch with other Local Guides, there is a Private Messaging System in place instead.

Thank you for your time and please feel free to introduce yourself to the community in Introduce Yourself monthly thread.