How Can we Stop these type Of things in India

Some People Done This To Sri Harmandir Sahib, On Google Maps.

How Can we Stop these type Of things.

I Suggest Those location have 100k+ Reviews can Only Accept those local guides edits who Are on Level 10 .


Hi @DivyanshuNarang

Did you try to reopen it?

Highly popular places with thousands and thousands of photos and reviews are generally very well protected against edits as discussed here.

But I guess the pandemic made it easier. Maybe someone was not aware of the temporarily closed option.



PS please share the link for others to check


Hello @DivyanshuNarang

When there is spamming, we do not get access to add photos or reviews at some specific places of high importance.

Nevertheless, I do not find Sri Harmandir Sahib closed as displayed in your picture.

Here is the latest screenshot.

I find the reviews are also incremented as compared to the one in your picture.

Can you confirm once again?


Thanks for sharing the issue about Sri Harmandir Sahib Golden Temple , @DivyanshuNarang

Like @C_T , I can see that the temple is open again, so looks like the Local Guides already edited his status.

However, I want to add a note about limiting to level 10 the ability to make edits.

I totally disagree, because the level do not guarantee that they are “honest” local guides. On the contrary, I see that a lot of people only add useless photos and reviews only to raise the level quickly.

This temple is a perfect example of the bad behaviour: have you noticed that a lot of reviews are in fact the same, all copied from Wikipedia or some other website?

I think the honest Local Guides in your country should start a “clean the Maps” initiative in famous places like this one, reporting ALL the fake reviews, and the Local Guides who try to gain points in this inappropriate way.

I am tagging @JanVanHaver , @AmbrishVarshney and @NareshDarji for some tip about this activity


I find the issue was trending on Twitter @DivyanshuNarang along with the same image as appearing in your post.
However, it’s mentioned in the thread that the issue stood resolved.

I believe you created a post here to mention the now liquidated incidence & then suggest restricting the rights to edit.
But then, the idea exchange would have been the right place to do so.


Thank you @ErmesT for tagging me and regarding that problem @DivyanshuNarang first, as Emest said level never gives a guaranty of approval of edits, and regarding Clean The Maps we do these initiatives in every 3-4 months and soon we will do that again. Divanshu Narang pm me your contact details so I can add you to the group.


Thx for the tag @ErmesT .

@DivyanshuNarang I happily read that @AmbrishVarshney will keep you updated on the local initiatives to keep the map clean(er), but in the meantime you can find the most important info & loads of hands-on tips on how local guides can help here in this post.


Thanks @JanVanHaver , @AmbrishVarshney for the feedback

As you can see, 1577 is mentioned 236 times. Wonder why?

I suggest also to check the profile of the Local Guides that are using stolen contents, and if this is a behaviour, to report them for the damage they are making on Maps

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@ErmesT actually history of Sri Harmandir Sahib says that man-made pool built by Sikh Guru in 1577 and people just copy paste these content from Wikipedia in their reviews. I will report these Lgs if they are doing this activity again and again also reporting these reviews.


@ErmesT it’s also funny / appaling / incredible to see in those reviews the typical way of referring to footnotes in Wikipedia, like [5] and [6]… So those are reviews with footnotes? :rofl:


“people just copy paste these content from Wikipedia” is a violation of the Maps User Contributed Content Policy @AmbrishVarshney

“Contributions must be based on real experiences and information. Deliberately fake content, copied or stolen photos, off-topic reviews, defamatory language, personal attacks, and unnecessary or incorrect content are all in violation of our policy. If you see this behavior, please report it.”

And “Google has no tolerance for fake reviews” is what I can read in Add a rating or review

Some people just don’t want to lose time and rewrite a review, even if being inspired by Wikipedia, @JanVanHaver . To be productive, you need to optimise your time.

I will check some of the profiles by myself, for a bit of clean-up

Thanks @ErmesT for tagging me here in this post. We will sure work for “Clean the Maps” and making maps batter for everyone.


@ErmesT 100% agree with you we need to clean the Map very seriously


we Share This post on social media platforms so people can help us.

Now i seriosly want To Clean the Map.

I have list Of These type of Place , Which are Duplicates, Using Fake Names.

And I thankyou all of you for supporting my concern

@MortenCopenhagen @C_T @ErmesT @AmbrishVarshney @JanVanHaver @NareshDarji


Thanks for clarifying this, @DivyanshuNarang

It would be great if you can edit your initial post and clarify what you are talking about from the first beginning. This will help the readers to understand the scope of your post

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Hi @DivyanshuNarang and @AmbrishVarshney and @NareshDarji

I believe the problem of stolen text and photos is very frequent in India compared to many other places. One solution is for sure to organize effective cleanup efforts, but I was wondering if other means should also be considered.

I wish we understood better why this is happening, and what motivates local guides to steal and post photos and texts from the Internet. Would you be interested in discussing this?

Some thoughts:

A. Could it be that Local Guides engaged in this behavior are not aware of copyrights and genuinely believe they are doing a great job in helping Google and Maps users?

B. Could it be that the praising wording of status e-mails and notifications from Google to Local Guides are overly effective in your culture? I my culture the praising is very unusual and over the top.

C. Could it be that the persived value of points and levels is relatively higher compared to other cultures even though the points and levels have no monetary value?

D. How could Google improve Google Maps to discourage or make such behavior impossible?

E. How should communication be focussed to be effective?

F. What could existing Local Guides networks do to help?

G. Could it be that the problem is not bigger in India than in other places - only difference is penetration of mobile phones and the size of the population?

Please understand that my interest in this is not based on negative thoughts about India and Indians. I love your country, and I have visited many times. Maybe our discussion can lead to solution that could be useful in other places too.

Let me know what you think. If you are happy to engage, we should start a new post to discuss this. And not high jack this thread.



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Oh I really wish it was that easy @DivyanshuNarang in my time as moderator I’ve had to escalate many Level 10 Local Guides whose contributions were simply spam. I’m glad the Maps entry appears to be sorted out.
