How can we add multiple phone number to a location?

Hello experts,

Is there a way to add multiple phone numbers for a location?

I didnt found one, while i tried there i can able to add/edit one phone number. However the the location(Business form) have two phone numbers but our map shows only one number, which is inconvenient…


Rajendra (LG from Kathmandu



@rajendra89 Only 1 phone number is currently supported for a Map location.

For the moment, the best option is to ensure that the web site link is correct (assuming the business has a web site), and all the other contacts like multiple numbers, email, fax, chat etc are provided in their web site. That’s the best option for multiple contact points.

If you feel this is a need, you can create a suggestion post in Idea Exchange.


Hi @rajendra89 ,

I agree with @StephenAbraham . Local Guides can only link one phone number to a specific listing. However, we always welcome our fellow Local Guides’s feedbacks, so please feel free to submit the idea in the Idea Exchange section. :slight_smile:


ok, thank you.

I will create a suggestion post in idea exchange!

Hello @rajendra89 , in the screenshot I notice that the business is not claimed. If the business owner claims it (s)he can add additional telephone numbers in the Google My Business program.

If you want to find out more on that topic, here is a blog post I wrote a while ago

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