How can I request to make a photo public again?

I posted a picture of an Italian village more then 4 years ago, it had half a million views. Now it is suddenly showing an exclamation mark saying it was not in line with the policy. It truly is that village, there are no people in the picture, no idea what I could have done wrong; I guess this is some automated algorithm that takes them offline.
=> Is there any way I can request such photo to be made public again?


Hi @Ronald10

Did you try clicking on the details? Is there an appeals option available to you If so, please use it.

Was the photo taken by you?



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Please also share the Maps link to where you uploaded the image to.

Kindly consider always including MAPS links when posting on Connect.


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I might have solved your issue. Not in a good way, though, @Ronald10

I looked at your most viewed photos and noticed that two of them are uploaded to

Espel is an area and not a normal pin = point of interest.

As you can see above Espel shows as an area with a red dotted outline on Maps. And if you open the pin there is no “Add media” link or button.

So you somehow managed to upload the two images anyhow. This is against the guidelines and if your other missing photo was also uploaded to an area this can explain why it was taken down.

You may find the following post from my Easing frustrations series interesting and helpful:



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Thanks a lot that explains it - I didn’t notice uploading to the village area rather then a pin located in the village, and also I wasn’t aware that would pose a policy issue. Can’t say I understand that policy but now I’ll pay more attention.

There was no appeal-link provided, any way to fix for me? With half a million views there’s no denying people liked the post :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Ronald10

If I’m correct that you uploaded images to areas you can not get the images to go public again while also preserving the views. I predict other images will suffer the same sooner or later.

I know it will hurt to delete all such photos, but this is the correct thing to do. It is up to you,




It would be very helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply. Just hitting Reply does not ensure we get notified by email.


You are right, the guidelines on this are widely missed and hard to understand.

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Thanks a lot @MortenCopenhagen at least it’s clear now why it was taken down


Always happy to help, @Ronald10



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