How can I edit roads.

How can I edit roads on Google Maps when following maps to a destination. When I follow Maps on some of my trips, it takes me well off the beaten path and makes the drive more complicated. For someone new to the route, this would be more complicated. Since I know the best route, I just take it. I use the maps to see my time and traffic problems ahead.


Hello @mclark098

What you are expecting is a designing of the route & not editing of the road.
Incidentally, that’s not possible as Maps will always show the fastest route.

However, there is a workaround to do that if you know the intermediate stops on your favorite route. Build the path by choosing one after the other & then navigate.

The only drawback would be at every “pit stop” Maps will ask you to terminate or continue the navigation & that you need to answer promptly.


Very good reply.


I will mark the answer of @C_T as the solution @mclark098 as he’s given you a valid answer.

Did you know that you can just leave Maps running while you drive without selecting a route and it will still show you traffic conditions and alerts?

Maps does seem to choose some weird routes from time to time, sometimes I trust it, sometimes not. The traffic knowledge is a combination of routing data (official or from Google) and the current conditions. Anonymised data from people who are using Maps to navigate contribute to the body of knowledge about current conditions.

When Google takes a weird route it might just be weird, or it might be routing you around an obstacle like a traffic accident or road closure.


Hello @mclark098 ,

It’s true @C_T had provided you a great answer and @PaulPavlinovich with great additional information you could follow.

I just would like to let you know that, since what you shared is a question I am changing the topic label of your post to the How-tos topic label to keep Connect organized.

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