How can I edit old posts?

Hi dear Google and Connect Moderators
Hi, dear @ErmesT @KlaudiyaG
Most of my posts are about tourist attractions, and I get new information after visiting these places again and would love to add this to previous posts while it is not editable posts for old posts and cannot be edited.
Please add this feature to the Connect.

Best Regards


Hi @Rezgar with post you can always edit posts here, I just tested on my old posts, just go to your posts on your top left click the three dots and select edit which is the first option. I hope this will be helpful. Thank you.

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Hi dear @Raphael-Mahumane
I know to edit the post, I write about 3 years in Connet. We can not edit our old posts.

Best Regards

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If that is the case @Rezgar it mean that the post have been locked to read only. That will require special access from the moderators or googlers. In the mean time, you can create a post about this in idea exchange, asking for the feature which will enable us to edit old posts which are currently read only.

All old posts on the old boards pre Connect 2.0 were made read only some time ago @Rezgar this is deliberate. It is not possible to edit those posts.



Thank you for your attention, dear @PaulPavlinovich

Best Regards

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I am marking @PaulPavlinovich as the solution. Old post has been closed to edit after the migration to the new Connect.

Feel free to start a new thread linking the old one, if you want to give more contents about the same subject


Thanks a lot dear @ErmesT

Hi @Rezgar ,

I agree with @ErmesT ! Since the old boards are in read only mode, feel free to create a new post on Connect with all the newly discovered information. Also, you are more than welcome to add a link of your old post in the new publication, this way all Local Guides can benefit from it too.


Thank you for your attention, dear @KlaudiyaG
Thank you for your continued support.

Best Regards

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