How can I add photo on connect

Hi @TraciC How can I add a photo on connect along with a post.?


Hi @TraciC How can I add a photo on connect along with a post.?

Hi, @Mohan_Singh you might not know ‘‘How to write a post on Connect?’’

You should read this post How do I write a post on Connect?

because You have asked a question and you should have chosen the how to’s topic for your post.

this post might help you Uploading a photo on Connect? Read these guidelines first

and you should haven’t tagged @TraciC Ma’am regarding this post.

here are many connect moderators they can help you Meet the Connect Moderators

Namaskar :pray:

1 Like

Hey @Mohan_Singh ,

Thanks for reaching out.

With general questions like these, you can always tag a Google Moderator for assistance. I shared the link to the list with all our usernames. Tagging anybody else might not get you the result expected.

When creating a post, in order to upload an image you should click on the camera icon. Then you click “upload” and you will have to choose from your images or the library we have available.

I am taking the chance to share with you these 14 helpful tips, that will help you to increase the quality of your publications. Another great discussion you can find here. For more information on the forum please check Your guide to Connect. If there is something that you are not sure how to proceed with, please check our help desk or how-tos board first, because maybe there is already an answer to your question.

P.S.: Please have in mind that I merged your two similar posts in order to keep the forum organized. I also will move your publication to our How-tos board, used by Local Guides to express their doubts and ask questions, related to the program.


Thanks@Bobiisha for you kind help .But there is no camera icon display on my connect like on Google maps even I select photography icon. Please help with it.


Hey @Mohan_Singh ,

Please check the articles that were shared by @ANKIT_SHARMA . They are all very helpful and if you follow the steps included, you can’t make a mistake.

P.S.: @ANKIT_SHARMA , I would kindly ask once again to tag only Google Moderators. The link with the list is available in the first comment.


@Mohan_Singh hello. Welcome to connect.This is such a platform to express your views.When you write a post on the connect.there are many icons on it.Out of these icons , you click the camera icons.after this,a new file will open in mobile on your computer. After this , there will be option of click files.The your window will open in which your picture is lying.Then you will copy and paste that picture in this window.If the picture are fully loaded , then you will be done if you give them.Hope you find the post in this simple language . Thanks.


Hi @Mohan_Singh

It seems like no one is listening to what your problem really is. If the camera icon is still missing, please share a screen shot. That will make it more clear what your problem is.

This happens from time to time. But most often it can be fixed by clearing the cache in your browser. Also please try on Desktop or mobile to see if the problem is there also. Testing another browser can also give us hints on where the problem should be fixed.



Thank you sir for your timely and kind suggestions.The problem has gone now.



No mention, @Mohan_Singh
It would be really helpful if you would use the tagging tool correctly when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. You can’t use copy/past and there should be a space before the @. When you tag correctly the name and the @ get blue.



Hello @Mohan_Singh
Surprisingly, the problem surfaced all of a sudden & vanished on its own!
Can you tell precisely what action did you take in between to restore the camera icon? Your answer will be useful to many other users who may face a similar problem in the future.
Further please also specify the device (whether phone or desktop) and the OS & the browser version on that.