How and Why I Become A Local Guide

I didn’t even know about this local guide program until I received a mail from Google to become a local guide! I just took a few minutes to know what this is and decide to be a local guide. I did so because I realized that this program of Google seems a great idea to me as I also used to use the google map and want its improvement! I thought that I don’t need to spend any extra time to contribute to the google map to help others as like as I am getting and expecting the help from the google map.

But the local guide program of Google is greater than I thought! I used to contribute from my earlier days collection on my holiday or while I used to get time. And Google used to send me such an inspiring mail which inspire me to do a little more than my plan to do. And the final surprise to me from Google is the invitation to apply to attend Connect Live 2019! This is a great motivation for any local guide.

I am always passionate to capture the pleasant moments and places using a camera! Though I knew that at the time of my childhood camera was not a common device in our country but I used to regret that why I don’t have any pictures while I was a newborn child? Why I don’t have enough pictures of my boyhood? That is why I used to take so much pictures of my kids and the places I used to visit.

I like to add and review the amusement parks, tourist places, and small business. I like to post a detailed review most of the case about those places or small businesses so that it can be helpful to others and expect the same from others to get help while I need. I prefer to add small businesses of remote places because the owners of those small businesses are not aware of to publish their business on the google map and they don’t do that but it is so helpful to the visitors or tourists who are visiting or intended to visit the area where those small businesses are existing!

I know that honest, careful and details reviewing and rating of the places or businesses will not only help the users of google map but also help Google to improve its services. Thus, the owners of the businesses will also be aware of improve their products or services.