How am I ranked?

Good morning. I have a question for you.

Google maps keeps track of the number of photos that you have and how many views that you have total, but doesn’t give you any idea of any type of ranking of where you might be ranked in terms of those views.

As of the posting of this question, I have 55 million 997,267 views on my photos.

I have no idea if that makes me one of the highest viewed photographers on Google maps, or if that’s just pretty average for someone who may have a few thousand pictures posted.

Can you guys give me any type of insight?



It’s actually fairly easy to evaluate your ranking as our friend @AdamGT spent much time developing a whole system of capturing local guide’s statistics and publishing monthly our ranking for those that want to participate…

Just search for top photo views (or look for all of Adam’s post). There is ton of information on how the system works if you want to join or just last month views to gustimate your performance.


Hello @The_Tour_Continues

It’s good afternoon here where I am right now in west Africa but maybe that doesn’t matter much. A warm and friendly welcome to local guides connect forum because it’s your first post and perhaps first visit. We hope you will feel welcome always to contribute on the forum. Here Is A Welcome-to-Connect-Card for you as a newbie.

This card serves as a quick rundown or orientation course for newbies on connect.It’s animations helps for easy reading and understanding. In reading it,you will also find links to other informative posts that are necessary for your use and learning on connect. It might interest you,please have a look.

Now back to your question,I hardly know what you mean by ranking. Google AI does rank us alright. Do you ever get E-mails of your achievements or monthly status? I get that sometimes and it often says you a top photographer etc. Nevertheless that’s doesn’t matter much either. There are other local people here on connect who have 100 million views and even more @AdamGT has some initiative going that might interest.

Nevertheless please may I also let you know that I had a look on your profile and your visit to Morrison motor car museum was good no doubt.but multiple upload of that red,blue and also white car to mention a few is a violation of photo guidelines on the maps. Moreover I counted at least 9 selfies of yourself that violates the rules as well.

Maybe you might like to have a look at Tips-for-taking-storefront-photos-on-Google-Maps . That post will definitely help you to know :point_right:t3: What-photos-should-I-share-on-Google-Maps ?. Hope you this input helps.

Happy guiding



@The_Tour_Continues for ranking we have different levels and level to show where you stand.