House Covered in Flower

How many of you love your house covered in flower?

This is the house of my friend who is the great lover of flowered house .


The Beauty !

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Hi @Trkatel

Beautiful house. I love flowers. Thank you for sharing.


Thankyou @ElllisaMartin

Thankyou @Ggel

Hi @Trkatel ,

It looks very cute, thanks for sharing!

Have you heard about the Bosco Verticale in Milan, Italy? The balconies of the building are covered by trees and flowers. It’s like a small forest in the center.


Thankyou for appreciation :slight_smile: @Petra_M

I have heard about that place …It contain more than 900 trees, right ?

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Nice… They taking good care… Good for reducing gobal warming too…

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You are absolutely right @Trkatel .

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Ya …Thankyou :slight_smile:

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Nice picture @Trkatel !

Do you know what kind of tree/flowers it is ?

Thanks for sharing

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Thankyou @Rich-r

It’s known as gate flower by local people.

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Hi @Trkatel

thanks for your response, I didn’t know about this type of flower so I learned something today, thanks for sharing!