Hotels … What advertise vs What exist

I am traveling a lot and each time I face problems in choosing the best hotels. One of the main factors in selecting hotels is the advertised photos. Most of the hotels trying to publish what they want us to see and in many times this is not what we will find; most of the advertised hotels’ photos do not build the real perception for example:

  • Some hotels use photos editors and capturing tricks to enhance their published photos.
  • Some hotels took their published photos in the ideal status, for example, advertise photos took just after renewing the hotel which could be from many years ago and differ from the recent real statutes.

On the other hand, hotels may neglect what could be important for us, the advertised photos may not spot on our concerning areas, as room spaces and furniture orientation.

Truth is the shortest way to hearts so, the most interesting thing I have done is minimizing the gap between what advertise and what exists in reality by sharing the existing, real and non-published situations by taking actual photos for things such as rooms (general orientation, furniture, facilities, internal bathrooms …. etc.), pools, restaurants …etc. and just sharing it without any enhancements. After a while, I have started to receive emails from Google thanking me for contributions and my photos have started to be viewed by others (+345,000 views now) this makes me very happy for helping others and participating in making Google maps more accurate, updated and helpful and I am looking forward to do this more and more.Google maps help us a lot so in my opinion, it is our duty to enhance it. :hugs: