Hotel Xcaret Rooftop pool

Dentro del Hotel Xcaret (ubicado a 5 minutos de Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, México), hay un lugar muy especial. Es el “rooftop” de la casa Fuego. Ofrece una vista espectacular, hacia el mismo hotel y en especial hacia el mar, es un lugar privilegiado.

Tuve la oportunidad estar al momento de la famosa “hora dorada” … fueron momentos inolvidables. Es un lugar muy tranquilo y con muy poca gente (solo las personas de la casa “fuego” pueden entrar a esta sección), que se puede disfrutar con una bebida y con los amigos. Hay música tranquila (que no es excesiva, crea un ambiente relajado)

¿El mejor lugar para la foto? En cualquier ángulo obtendrás grandes fotos, pero todos se concentran mucho en la famosa foto de la piscina.

Gracias por leerme!

Inside the Hotel Xcaret (located 5 minutes from Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico), there is a very special place. It is the “rooftop” of the Fire house. It offers a spectacular view, towards the same hotel and especially towards the sea, it is a privileged place.

I had the opportunity to be at the time of the famous “golden hour” … they were unforgettable moments. It is a very quiet place with very few people (only the people of the house “fire” can enter this section), which can be enjoyed with a drink and with friends. There is quiet music (which is not excessive, it creates a relaxed atmosphere)

The best place for the photo? At any angle you’ll get great photos, but everyone concentrates a lot on the famous photo of the pool.

Thanks for reading me!


Dentro de tu cuarto en el Hotel Xcaret, puedes degustar un rico café mientras contemplas la hermosa vista de tu balcón

Inside your room at the Xcaret Hotel, you can enjoy a delicious coffee while you contemplate the beautiful view of your balcony


Nice view @DanyGi

Thank you for sharing

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Hola @DanyGi y bienvenido en Connect.

Gracias por compartir este lugar con la comunidad. Pero ten en cuenta que siempre es mejor añadir un poco más de información sobre el lugar para hacer tu publicación más completa y atractiva.

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PS: Ten en cuenta que voy a reetiquetar tu publicación. Tu post es más relevante para el tema Travel.


Hola, te agradezco los post. Los revisaré con atención. Saludos desde México

Dentro del Hotel Xcaret hay muchas actividades., y a veces es complicado elegir. Mi favorita fue el Kayak, que te permite hacer un largo recorrido (más de lo que me imaginé) que se puede hacer de forma individual o en parejas.

Conforme avanzas te quedas sorprendido de cada uno de los detalles. Hay sitios donde puedes parar y agarrar una hamaca para descansar, y contemplar la naturaleza y el “paisaje” que te rodea. Si quieres algo más “movido” , en algunas partes podrás encontrar toboganes, “estacionas” tu kayak, subes unas escaleras y a disfrutar (eso si, hay un tobogán que me sorprendió pues si va muy rápido, así que si vas con pequeños ten mucho cuidado).

La duración del recorrido es a tu gusto. Hay gente que ve esta actividad como ejercicio, y lo hace muy rápido. Otras personas se toman su tiempo para parar y tomar fotos…pero mínimo yo creo que te llevarás unos 30 minutos.

¿Quieres registrar esta aventura? Te recomiendo un gopro con un flotador, pues llevar una cámara reflex si es muy riesgoso

Siempre había personal del staff que te iban cuidando o te preguntaban si todo iba bien, así que por esa parte no hubo ningún problema.

Inside the Hotel Xcaret there are many activities, and sometimes it is difficult to choose. My favorite was the Kayak, which allows you to make a long journey (more than I imagined) that can be done individually or in pairs.

As you progress, you are surprised by each of the details. There are places where you can stop and grab a hammock to rest, and contemplate the nature and the “landscape” that surrounds you. If you want something with more “action”, in some parts you can find slides, “park” your kayak, go up some stairs and enjoy (that is, there is a slide that surprised me if it goes very fast, so if you go with little ones great care).

The duration of the tour is to your liking. There are people who see this activity as an exercise, and do it very quickly. Other people take their time to stop and take pictures … but at least I think you’ll take about 30 minutes.

Do you want to register this adventure? I recommend a gopro with a float, so take a reflex camera if it is very risky

There were always staff members who were taking care of you or asking you if everything was going well, so there was no problem on that part.


Hi @DanyGi ,

I’m sorry for responding in English, but you can always use Google Translate, which is enabled across the platform, to translate my post.

Thank you for sharing your great experience from your vacation with us. Perhaps you didn’t realize this, but all your 3 posts are referring to the same hotel and this can be interpreted as advertisement to most people, especially as these are your only posts here. You probably are not aware of this, but we do not allow promotion of any nature here on Connect — self-promotion, commercial content, etc. as it is a clear violation of the Local Guides program rules. Please before posting on Connect spare a minute or two to get acquainted with The 5 core values of Connect.

Thank you!

P.S.: I merged your 3 posts into one single thread, as they all share the same subject matter.

I understand your comment very well. But I would like to make some clarifications.

Not this promoting anything, and if someone interprets it that way I can not do anything about it. My stay in this place can be for many publications, and I would like to share experiences, sensations and the way “I lived” that trip. This is just one of some trips that I made, and that at a given moment I wanted to share with the community

I have the feeling that you did not even bother to read the content of the publication, you only noticed the title, and did not delve into the content.

Very disappointed that on a platform, which is supposed to be shared among enthusiastic people, limit you in the way you can share your experiences. I understand very well the intention to avoid commercial content, or the self promotion, but at no time has been spoken of offers or things like that.

After the colleague @JavieraAu made comments and recommended me certain readings, I made changes in my first contribution, which met the recommendations of “what makes a good post?”. And I tried to do the same with this publication, follow the recommendations. But good …