Makanan khas Jepara ini terbuat dari tepung pohon aren. Rasanya kenyal dan tidak terasa manis sekali. Tidak hanya di Jepara, di daerah Jetak(salah satu daerah di kabupaten Kudus yang berdekatan dengan daerah Jepara) juga memproduksi makanan kenyal ini. Cocok juga dicampur pada menu bakso sebagai pengganti nasi dan alternatif lenthog.
Hello @Irfan_dPriyanto ,
Thanks for sharing this meal, I don’t think I have tried anything similar. Is it easy to make it at home? What are your recommendations?
Hi, @MoniDi
The manufacturing process is quite long and long, starting from the dredging of sago from the palm sticks, then the palm flour is washed, after that it is carried out drying with the help of ash over the dough. Subsequently the dough is steamed dry until it forms small lumps, this steaming is carried out several times over and over again to form a lump of crystal that feels springy.
But, I’ve never made it myself. This food is delicious and can be a snack too.
@Irfan_dPriyanto horog horog iku sing kuning ya ? lalu yang putih itu seperti es batu ?
@Wisnusetiono Horog-horog semuanya berwarna putih.
Kalau seperti es batu sih bukan. Menurutku malah seperti gula batu jika dari kejauhan. Tapi sih memang bentuknya seperti kristal.
Hai @Irfan_dPriyanto , @Wisnusetiono and @MoniDi .
I think I have been eat this kind of food when I was student and do Community Service Program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) at Sengon Bugel village, Mayong sub-district, Jepara District, Central Java.
It is tasteful/delicate, and I like it.
yo maybe podo pak @BudiFXW , wong cedek jepara karo kudus. bukankah begitu @Irfan_dPriyanto and @MoniDi
Iya betul, @Wisnusetiono
Cerita yang bagus! Nice story, pak. @BudiFXW !