Honored to Receive the "New Solutionist" Badge on Local Guides Connect!

:star2: Grateful Moment! :star2:

I’m truly honored to receive the “New Solutionist” badge on Local Guides Connect! :medal_sports: This badge was awarded for having one of my replies marked as the best answer or solution to a fellow Local Guide’s question.

A heartfelt thank you to the amazing Local Guides community for the continuous support, engagement, and encouragement. It feels incredible to contribute and help others find solutions. This achievement motivates me to keep sharing knowledge, exploring new places, and staying active in the community.

Special thanks to everyone who has been part of this journey—let’s keep empowering each other! :earth_africa::camera_flash:

#LocalGuides #NewSolutionist #Gratitude #Achievement #CommunitySupport #KeepExploring #ThankYou


That’s great effort :blush: keep giving useful solutions.

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Thank you! @ShreyaMusings.

Congratulations brother :clap:t2:

I am sorry to inform you that I’ve just removed your solution, @MehediHasanTanvir , for the reasons mentioned here Hidden Gem ✨💎 - #6 by ErmesT
Sorry about that. In the future I would like to suggest you to consider if your reply was really a solution, before to write a post about a badge that in a few hours will disappear

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Thanks for informing me. A few moments ago I noticed in my profile I got this badge. I’ll be more careful in the future.

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One Question: Will I remove this post?

Congratulations @MehediHasanTanvir :clap:

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Thank you so much!

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I don’t think you can, @MehediHasanTanvir , because you have a lot of replies. But it may makes sense to edit it

@MehediHasanTanvir this is fitting title :blush::ok_hand:t2: best wishes


Congratulations bro

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Thank you @MathanVibranarayan.

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Thank you, @Arif.007. Stay Connected.