Yo anyone in HK? leggo start a forum here or smth. The discussion page is trash.
Hi @AngusC
Please check this link https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/Level-5/Local-Guides-in-Hong-Kong/m-p/41011#M673
Hi @ZuhairM_1 ,
@AngusC cannot see the page you linked for him, as it is inside the L5 restricted area.
AngusC, can you tell further on what you want to do? And what you consider can improve?
In local guides connect I was expecting a local forum where only people in Hong Kong have a forum to chat about everything. Iām unable to find it and even if it exists its restricted access which makes no sense.
Hi @AngusC ,
The orgranization of the Connection Forum isnot area based. It is meant to provide easy connection with LGs worldwide.
Having said that, when we post topics, we can put a GeoTag. So that we can filter easier.
@AngusC wrote:
Yo anyone in HK? leggo start a forum here or smth. The discussion page is trash.
Hi there.
Hi all
i m fr hk
nice to meet you!
Interested in joining the Hong Kong guides
I also have questions regarding editing which would like some help as I am just starting out
you can feel free to email me
wrote:Interested in joining the Hong Kong guides
I also have questions regarding editing which would like some help as I am just starting out
Hi @ffstone99 ,
In public forums like Connect, we should use Private Message to communicate our personal contacts instead of in public. You can edit your post to remove any sensitive details by clicking on the 3-dots menu on the top right corner.
hi, let have tour in HK sometime.