Holy Smokes - 2,500,000 Views For an Added POI

In July of 2022, I added a Cannabis Store to the Map (just drove by; didn’t go in :sunglasses: ). Holy Smokes, indeed - it has been viewed over 2,500,000 times now.

I had the Featured Photo for a very short time until the shop opened and only received 170,000 views. I have not returned to try and reclaim the featured photo status.

We always hope that our contributions will make someone happy. I’m pretty certain I’ve accomplished it this time.


@JustJake Congrats!

That’s a lot of people driving around looking for weed.

I wonder how many of those views were from people who had viewed it 3 minutes before but lost their train of thought and had to look it up again. :thinking: :open_mouth::dash:

Even though you got dethroned for the featured pic, it looks like there’s a great video opportunity :wink:


@MattGatlin Back in my day … it’d be frowned upon to film your “spot.” Maybe because back in my day it would’ve been some giant handheld camera and people would think you were from the DEA or something :joy: . I suppose now it’d be far less of an issue since these companies invest millions in creating retail shops that are inviting.

The WM Open golf tournament is about to start right across the street from this location, along with the Barrett Jackson car auction. I’m avoiding the area for the next couple of months.


Well done @JustJake that’s a great achievement. Did you say a Cannabis Store? Well say no more!!


Thank you @AdamGT . I’m pretty sure it was @TerryPG that got me hip to the idea that photos of marijuana dispensaries got lots of views. That was the first reason I stopped, just for the photo. Then I realized there was no place to post the picture and had to add it. I got very lucky since this is a chain dispensary. Somehow, I beat them to it.


Well @JustJake Thank you, I too have a couple of Cannabis stores with over a million views, I guess you can call me a trailblazer.


Many congratulations :tada: @JustJake on your great achievement.

2M views of your added place is really big in number.

Keep building informed community stronger :muscle: together.


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Trailblazer? Is this some kinda hippie lingo pun, @TerryPG ? :joy:

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My hip friend @JustJake “Hey, man, how’s the vibe? Something heavy on your mind? Let’s groove and talk it out. Peace and love, brother.”

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Very punny title of “holy smokes”- as the place you added was a cannabis store. :sparkling_heart: Love this win and the impact in views it had! :green_heart:

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@JustJake Congratulations on the fantastic achievement :tada: