Four years ago today, my toes hit the sand of Hollywood Beach, Florida for the first time and life has been beautiful ever since. So it’s only fitting that, on this anniversary, I share a few photos of Hollywood Beach and its world famous Broadwalk with the Connect Community.
Before February of 2019, I had never heard of Hollywood Beach, FL. Myself and two friends were wanting a trip to escape the brutual Ohio winters and the only two requirements were a cheap flight and warm weather. So, to Google I went and after a few minutes, I found this place in South Florida tucked between Fort Lauderdale and Miami. And to our excitement, we found a super affordable direct flight from Cleveland, Ohio to Fort Lauderdale. With a few clicks, the flights and hotel were booked. And from the moment I felt the sun on my skin and took in the smell of the salt water air, I knew that this would be a place I would return to as often as life would allow. Since that trip, I have been back to that Broadwalk 8-12 times… So much so that even the locals think of @Mikeinthefalls and I as locals, as well.
Aside from the warm weather and the gorgeous views, one of things that keeps me coming back to the Broadwalk is the variety it offers and the accessbility of all the amentities. And perhaps the best perk…there are so many places to stay right on the Broadwalk for an affordable price. Or, for an even cheaper nightly rate, stay one block off the Broadwalk and be a one minute walk from all the action. There really is no wrong choice.
With that…I’ll share some of my favorite photos from our visits there. I hope you enjoy them. If you find yourself swooning over these photos and wanting to plan a trip, I’m happy to give you some insider tips to make your trip a fun and enjoyable one.
Do you have a place that love to visit time and time again? I’d love to hear about your favorite place.
@Mikeinthefalls wrote a GREAT Connect post about the Hollywood Beach Broadwalk, that can be found HERE. Its a wonderfully crafted article with gorgeous photos!
হ্যালো @MelTG হ্যা এমন জায়গা অবশ্যই আছে তবে আমি একজন ভ্রমন প্রিয় মানুষ নিজ গন্ডির বাহিরে বের হলেই আমার ভালোলাগা শুরু হয়ে যায়। মেঠোপথ গ্রাম গঞ্জ খালবিল নদী নালা সবকিছুই আমার ভালো লাগে । বিশেষ করে আমার দেশ বাংলাদেশের গ্রামের পরিবেশ খুব মুগ্ধতা ছড়ায়। বাংলাদেশ ভ্রমনের নিমন্ত্রণ রইলো।
Hollywood is one of the places that to some of us in Africa is like a planet by itself. That’s the way it has been painted in our minds through the movies and shows we watch. Thanks @MelTG and @Mikeinthefalls for sharing some interesting areas of Hollywood.
What an outstanding post with lovely photos… I really enjoyed your post and photos. The description is very nice. I loved the wooden deck and wave-crashing photos. Thank you so much for sharing it with us @MelTG .
I recently visited Kashmir in the summer. I would love to visit again and again. I have written 8 episodes on my experience in Kashmir. You can find it under my profile.
@MelTG You’ve used your words to capture the spirit of one of my favorite places on earth. I remember your excitement and uncertainty when you booked the trip! Little did you know what was awaiting you in that beautiful beach town.
The Broadwalk is definitely the centerpiece and my recommendation for a first stop to anyone that visits. The memories you’ve made there are absolutely worth commemorating.
I (personally) love that you shared photos from Hollywood Beach Resort, the place that started it all for me. The Grand Old Dame of the Broadwalk ain’t what she used to be, but she’ll always be special.
So thoughtful for tagging my post in yours - Thank you!
Lastly, I think it’s about time to hang some hammocks again, soon!
@Mikeinthefalls I’d love to hop in a time machine and go back to when HBR was alive and thriving. “The Rich Peoples Playground”. I bet she was truly something!
Awesome photos @MelTG I have stayed very close to that location many years ago, too bad we didn’t take photos then before we knew we would be local guides.
Side note, maybe you could photo shop that Mike guy who keeps appearing in your wonderful photos OUT of your final photos.
Or LOL maybe you want to keep him ( in your Photos)
I’m so glad you shared your experience of visiting Hollywood Beach. It sounds like a fantastic place to relax, and the photos you shared are breathtaking! @MelTG Thanks for sharing your story. It was delightful!
@Wesrey93 even when we haven’t had the best weather, we’ve always had a fabulous time. Hard not to when the sun’s on your skin and the salt water is in the air!!