Hello, I am Eugene and I am local guide from Dnipro, Ukraine.
Google maps allows to take actual info about world around us. But at the same time google maps allow to save history and show to us was before at some place.
some years ago there was wave of destroying monuments of soviet leaders in my country. Of course it could be a step forward for new country in new time. but at the same time - it is destroying our history and our parent’s world.
this situation make me to think about things around me in my city. and I found out there are more than 400 historical monuments and structures of local value and about 19 with nationality value in Dnipro city.
there are a big work to shot, describe and save it at google maps. and here now I would like share some most interesting places here:
Women’s monuments in Dnipro city.
I have a hope that more and more people will see big value in own history and will save it for next generations.
thanks for reading.