Everyone has heard of the famous “Manhattanhenge” of New York. Also called the Manhattan solstice it is an event during which the setting sun or the rising sunis aligned with the east–west streets of the main street grid of Manhattan,New York.The term Manhattanhenge was coined by Neil De Grasse Tyson,an astrophysicist at the American Musueum of Natural History and a native New Yorker. It is a reference to Stonehenge a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire , England, which was constructed so that the rising sun , seen from the center of the monument at the time of the summer solstice, aligns with the outer Heel Stone.So I was thrilled when on 15th April,the Bengali New Year Day here in Kolkata at the complex where I stay,Hiland Park, I saw something which if not classical but yet resembles the Manhattanhenge.The setting Sun was shining like a solitaire in between two highrises.And I knew I had to capture that moment for posterity. I wish I had a better camera.However I guess i could capture the essence…Hiland Henge sounds like a spin-off but the alliterative name got stuck in my head.I am sure one can view the same spectacle in other parts of the city too.Thank me if I helped you in getting an eye for it.