Highlights from the #ConnectWritingChallenge! [Part 1]

Welcome folks to the fifth post in this #ConnectWritingChallenge series! I honestly do hope that everyone is enjoying the writing challenge whilst learning new things and getting to know the Connect community better! If you’re new to this, I’ve included links below to all the posts so do start with the introductory post!

Recap on the series:

  1. Writing your way to the top
  2. How to write a great post - Basic tips
  3. How to write a great post - Intermediate tips
  4. Meet your 10 day challenge

There are two 10 day challenges (just pick one!) that should not only help you get some writing practice in but they will encourage you to explore the Connect site and engage with the community! Again, take your time with them, don’t rush your post as it’s quality that counts! So plan properly, gather all your material (information, photos, links etc) and then weave your amazing tale!

In this post, I wanted to highlight a selection of amazing posts that have been submitted. At my last count, we have about 65+ posts and I had whittled them down to 20 posts. Half will be presented in this post and the remaining in a second post that I will release after a brief break.

My selection is subjective because it is just my preference for what I think a good post is all about! So don’t feel upset if you didn’t make the list! And to better explain how these posts got selected, here are what I am looking for:

  • A well-balanced post that has a good narrative (intro, main, summary), written with suitable text formatting and layout. I love good paragraph breaks and I enjoy reading a medium length post that tells an intriguing story; too short and I feel shortchanged, too long and it becomes tedious.
  • A decent peppering of good quality photos and/or links. Beautiful photos really brighten up a post and provide a much richer detail to your story.
  • A subject that is interesting, unique, informative, educational, fun! Sometimes, you will find that a well-chosen subject can create a lot of engagement! So knowing your target audience and writing for them can pay off well.
  • To maximise the number Local Guides selected, each highlight list of 10 posts will feature ten unique authors. If you have several good posts, I will pick the best.
  • Connect Moderators are famously amazing at writing posts so I have excluded them from the highlight list but I will still mention them in the comments!
  • There is a set of specific posts that I have intentionally excluded from here because I will be featuring them in an upcoming post that covers Advanced Tips!

Without further ado, here is the selection of my 10 favourite posts (listed in the order that they are posted):

  1. Café Gourmand sounds like delicious! @Rich-r
  2. Foods shaped in the art!!! @Giuseppe75
  3. What could you gain from #localguidescleantheworld? @Julien44
  4. What’s your story? Embracing the Google Connect Journey @EverydayAdventurer
  5. Biggest Buddhist Pagoda in Europe: Khánh Anh (France) @BernardTran
  6. The Difference Between American & Italian Pizza @user_not_found
  7. How’s Interesting Google Earth @Nur85
  8. Thai Curries growing in popularity as part of London’s multicultural cuisine @Kol-Colleen_2018
  9. Cactus makes perfect @MagdaRautenbach
  10. Caring For The Aged @iamireku

I hope you will have a read through each of them, examine them (yes, some may not be perfect but they still capture the majority of the reasons why I think they are awesome) and leave your own feedback! Sometimes, you’ll learn better when you are asked to examine another person’s work!

Update: The next set of 10 posts is now published, you can find them here: Highlights from the #ConnectWritingChallenge! [Part 2]

Now that you have seen my selection, do you have a particular favourite? Let me know in the comments below! And if you want to find more posts for this writing challenge do a search for #ConnectWritingChallenge. Enjoy!


And here are the awesome posts by the Connect Moderators! They are all really good and basically tick all the boxes! Please do have a look at them and have a glimpse of what your post could be like with the right effort and practice!!

  1. Prepping for a Summer Vegetable Garden @KarenVChin
  2. A visit to a Ramadan Bazaar in Kuala Lumpur @StephenAbraham
  3. Treviso - Chocolate Festival 2018 @ErmesT

@AdrianLunsong Definitely appreciate you reminding us to write insightful and practical content.


Congratulations and Jubilations!

to one of the the best Local Guides

to be highlighted as well in this community wide

#writingchallenge competition!

:clap::clap::clap: @AdrianLunsong



Thank you @AdrianLunsong ! :slight_smile:
I’m so glad to see my post listed in your 10 favorite ones for this #ConnectWritingChallenge !

Following carefully all your good tips did pay off.
My congrats to the 9 other Local Guides who got their posts highlighted here !


Wow, I’m on the list!
Thank you for remembering my message @AdrianLunsong , I actually wrote it at the very beginning of your post series that would launch the 10 Day challenges.

Your advice is sincerely excellent and will certainly help to improve the content of the Local Guides’ posts (even if some are already very good). Congrats to all who participate now!
Since you launched your brilliant idea of a challenge, we have certainly all made progress and our view of the contribution to Connect is changing and improving. That’s what I realize when I read my first post you just quoted.
Thank you again, let’s continue and do our best!


Thank you @AdrianLunsong . I didn’t expect this. I was writing it twice and bit rushing because my connection got problems that day. And I tried again and it worked… It’s my honor to be top 10. Congratulations for all that listed.








Thanks for the tag @Nur85

And congrats to be in top 10 :slight_smile:

@JaneBurunina you can read this post.


Wow, congrats @Rich-r to get the 1st position ^^


Hi @AdrianLunsong

Wonderful. Congratulations to all who have made their way to the top #10.

Their contributions are really thought provoking.

It’s a great experience reading these posts. I understand that how some of these posts lead us for a good cause.

Thank you for the tips you have given here and also in my posts. You have guided me throughout.

As a gratitude I will surely do my best to give a very good post.

Happy reading.


Wow!!! Congratulations to all of the Top-10 #ConnectWritingChallenge !!!

Thank you @IshantHP_ig for tagging me, that I didn’t miss this post!


Hi guys,

I am glad to be in this challenge and congratulations to all the participants. We are having a good time.

Once again, thanks to our dear friend moderator @AdrianLunsong

See you around



Hi @Julien44

Congratulations dear. Very much appreciated post. Many of us followed your way.

Keep rocking.

See you.


Thank you for posting @AdrianLunsong

Myself, @StephenAbraham and @KarenVChin are of course available for giving some insight to everyone, if they are looking for some tips


In the Top Ten, first connectwritingchallenge, and itll only get better. Thank you @AdrianLunsong


I am grateful my post found its way in the first 10 list.

I have read through the selected posts and I am overwhelmed with how creative some people can be with manipulating words and images to create lively emotions, and showcase their passions and causes they care about.

@Julien44 's What could you gain from #localguidescleantheworld? speaks to a cause I am also passionate about.

@Rich-r 's Café Gourmand sounds like delicious!talks about a coffee I would have to try some day, just as Foods shaped in the art!!! by @Giuseppe75 and What’s your story? Embracing the Google Connect Journey by @Kol_NaturesPath talk about some delicious foods I can literally taste with my eyes.

@Nur85 's How’s Interesting Google Earth has given me a reason to re-install Google Earth. What’s your story? Embracing the Google Connect Journey by @EverydayAdventurer re-emphasis the fact that travelling helps one to be well informed and he actually referred to the doctrine of African culture.

Cactus makes perfect by @Magda01 mentions some interesting Cactus names like Old Man of Peru and Mother-in-law’s chair. The Difference Between American & Italian Pizza by @alessioganci will help you know some facts about pizza and some significant differences between American and Italian types. I’ve not tried any of them yet.

Biggest Buddhist Pagoda in Europe: Khánh Anh (France) by @BernardTran talks about a magnificent structure serving as a worship place of Buddhists in France and the cost of constructing it is something over 20 million €.

I am at the bottom of the list, so that anyone can see my post, and I wrote about something that I am passionate about - aged care. This phenomenon is common to every nation under the sun. I talk about how the world is devising means to prolong the live span of human beings, the consequences and what you can do about your ageing self in Caring For The Aged.

Kudos to @AdrianLunsong for this initiative!


Hi @AdrianLunsong ,

I am flattered for being part of the 10 selected posts in your fantastic #ConnectWritingChallenge.

I want to consider this result as the best motivation to write more and more stories trying to apply all that priceless advices and tips that you kindly shared with all of us.

Sincere congratulations to ALL other WINNERS that shared amazing posts from which I can only be inspired to do better.

Thank you again @AdrianLunsong :pray::blush:




Congratulations @Nur85


Hey @AdrianLunsong ,

Thanks for sharing and congratulations to everyone who took part in the writing challenge!


This is a very helpful post for me @AdrianLunsong

Thanks for your detail post.

Thanks again.
