Hi I am new to this community

I am in Haltom City, Texas which is a community in Fort Worth,Texas,

I am a Avon and Tupperware Rep.

I also own two local Blogs and I also will be opening a Radio Show soon.

I am looking for local people that would like to get together to learn how to be seen in Fort Worth.

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First…you spelled ‘Networking’ wrong in the Tags section…FYI.


Third… I’m in Dallas Texas and love walking around This wondrous town for the sole purpose of taking pictures for google maps and meeting new people. As a side result I have a tremendous network of friends of all trades and styles. I chat them up, explain my hobby, and next thing you know i’m having dinner with them and meeting even more people. I have been in Dallas Texas only 3 months. Started taking pictures when i got here and have blossomed into a world of possibilities that otherwise would have gone unnoticed.

Welcome @TheMommiesR to Local Guides and our Connect community forum.

There are lots of ways to use the forum. Primarily it is a place to discuss and exchange with other Google Maps users who have joined the program of Local Guides - meaning people from around the world who want to help others find out about new places - not at all a business networking forum as your tags seems to suggest.

Please make sure you read through the tips on using this community before posting and review the forum’s rules.

Thanks and have fun with Local Guides!

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