Hi! How are U?

Hi Local Guides!

My name is Fran and my username as #LG is @fran05

I like travelling, art, music, literature, graphic design, movies, going out with friends, riding bike, playing guitar and taking photos to share them as a Local Guide.

I like to contribute to help other people life and being part of a live map construction process.

If you want to get in touch and do some part of the job together it will be great for me.

I’d love to travel in october to San Francisco to the Connect Live event.


Hi @fran05
Welcome to Google connect and maps.
This is the world local guide family.

Keep contributing, be active on connect and you will be to an event of Google .
Before starting this passionate adventure, I advise you to read the 5 core values of connect Introduce yourself to the community Here
for a good understanding of the program read this Link for maps and Using local guide connect to get an easy way to understand connect.
See you