Hey, Podcast fans: There's a new LetsGuide episode!

Before taking a summer break, I have just released episode 24 of the LetsGuide Podcast. The topic this time is lists and the format is not really what you are used to - so why not go and check it out right now?

Thanks ever so much for the inspiration & cooperation @Kwiksatik @AshleySundquist @MortenCopenhagen @SebaasC @Cecilita


Thanks @JanVanHaver .

I liked the faster speed and flow in this episode.

Have a great and very well deserved vacation.

Cheers from Copenhagen.


Thank you so much for the credit @JanVanHaver ! I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about Lists!


Wow @JanVanHaver ! Excellent! I will hear it! Thanks for tagging me! It is always a pleasure to hear your podcasts.

Have a nice summer break!


Oh…! After writing my previous comment I saw the credits in your podcast! Thanks a lot for sharing my idea @JanVanHaver ! :gift_heart: :blush: :blush:


Glad you liked the episode @MortenCopenhagen . It was not hard to make it, with so much excellent help :wink:

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I will surely listen that.

Hence, I got the email of lets guide podcast.

@Kwiksatik @MortenCopenhagen both are having good knowledge of making lists and their lists are also amazing.

But, you forget one local guide,

That having good amount of accessible lists.

She is @Jesi .

And of couse @ErmesT , that he have huge experience regarding accessibility and google map lists.

@Cecilita I really hope this helps to collect extra votes, as it is a really good idea.

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Eyyy Jan , first thanks for tagging me , and very glad to hear in your famous podcast a reference of my post about issues found in my city lists.

We are always trying to find how to improve the Google Maps Lists , to help the users to have the better experience and the space of discussion and debate that Connect generates helps a lot.

Thanks again!

A big hug!

:argentina: :argentina: :argentina: :argentina: :argentina: :argentina: :argentina: :argentina: :argentina: :argentina: :argentina: :argentina:

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@SebaasC your post simply had a very good example, showing the point very clearly, so it was perfectly fitting my needs!

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Sir, you are an inspiration for all local guides. Cheers!