It’s crazy how fast technology is going these days, everyday something new and a new invention.
I use google maps daily, I usually travel around, a weekend in Big Bear, San Diego or Catalina Island, what helps me the most was not the maps, it was the content on the maps, the reviews of each place and the pictures also the information of when it opens and closes.
I started using Local Guides for that reason to guide others the same way I was guided while traveling, I try to support the data base as much as I can to help other visitors and even locals.
when I shared one pictures and it had over 100,000 view I was impressed of the power of that tool, how much business that lounge get from just sharing a picture, google guides helped the business owner and also the visitors through google maps, then I started to add new business and edit the info when I am sure about it.
I work as an architectural designer, and we do a lot of tenant improvements for stores or restaurants, getting to know the area more and to see the pictures of the interior sometimes saves us the time to go for a site visit, that’s how powerful a picture is.
Thank you so much for helping the community through us, it is like gathering information to help each other through each other that’s how simple the whole idea is.