Helping People

Hey Moderators I want to start helping people on the connect chat not for to get moderator! I have interested to help people here any against rules for this? If no against rules for this please explain me the work i mean for what message how can I response to him/her message. If i don’t know about that what can I do how can I help to him/her


Hi @Rakshi2

I believe the best ways to learn is to read answers and discussions here on Connect. Secondly you will need to study the the official help pages related to Google Maps. You find them here.

All the best


@Rakshi2 it’s definetely not against any rules! Helping people is definitely not reserved to moderators, as we’re all encouraged to help each others. Also like what @MortenCopenhagen already mentioned above, the best way is to look for questions on this community, especially in this How-Tos board, where you’ll see a lot of Local Guides asking questions.

If you want to get notified when there are new questions on this particular board, you can follow from the main page of the How tos board by tapping/clocking on the ‘Follow’ button.

Generally, it’s good norm to keep conversations in the forum itself (not private), since the information discussed can be beneficial to others as well.

Thanks both @iyudhi & @MortenCopenhagen i will read it soon sended by you & i need some encouragement for helping People if i make any mistakes while helping/messaging/replying please sorry it’s happened by mistake I will say please understand and explain it how it’s i will not repeat it next time. I think are understand my words i am talking about future i need encourage in future if i made mistakes also

You are welcome to help people, @Rakshi2 , by sharing your own experience.

The basic principle is to respond when you have an answer, and when you know what you are talking about.

Connect is a wonderful resource for helping others, together with the Local Guides Help Page and the Google Maps Help Page, first of all because it help us to avoid mistakes.

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Oi, @Rakshi2
Que coisa boa!!!

Além das ótimas dicas já indicadas anteriormente, sugiro também que você conheça a Central de Ajuda do Perfil de Empresas no Google.

Por que indico essa Central? Apesar de ser voltada para “donos e/ou administradores” de negócios, essa central tem a peculiaridade de detalhar com mais profundidade assuntos que são de interesse de Local Guides.

Um exemplo. A Central de Ajuda do Google Mapas (o produto chefe do Local Guide) não aborda com detalhes o tema "categoria" ACentral que estou indicando aborda o tema com um pouco mais de informações sobre esse assunto. E assim para tantos outros como: “regras de nome”, “endereçamento”, etc.

Apesar de ser um produto diferente e ter forma distinta para editar e gerenciar um local, as “__*regras são iguais e se aplicam a todo e qualquer tipo de edição que refilta no Google Mapas." Ou seja, as regras (políticas) são iguais tanto para alguém que está editando sua empresa pelo " **__Perfil de Empresas do Google”, para um Local Guide e demais usuários. Sendo assim, acredito ser interessante conhecer essa Central na sua jornada de conhecimento.

Você terá que ter o discernimento para separar o que é de aplicação geral e o que é regra e procedimento exclusivo para o produto/serviço “Perfil de Empresas do Google”.


Gil :slightly_smiling_face:

*Elisa Pasculli, Community & Social Media Manager, Google, LatAm, Novembro, 2019.
** Anteriormente, Google Meu Negócio


Thanks for your valuable information sir @gmapas @ErmesT @iyudhi @MortenCopenhagen I will try my best to help the people! I need yours blessings forever :hugs: to help the people.



Please start helping and I will share further comments if your answers could be better. That is how we can help each others keep learning how best to help others.

Learning by doing (and then reading some more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

Cheers and blessings



Some insider tips that you might appreciate:

Because the same questions come up repeatedly you may want to create some macros here on Connect to make your life easier. I started out with a Google Document and a Bookmark folder to be able to quickly find the needed links to share. I still also use Google Docs.

This link will show you the most recent activity on Connect. It is useful if you want to help people quickly = soon after they post a request for help.

All the best


Hey Good Morning (IST).

I am trying to help the people but it’s not possible to me it’s not easy to find out the solutions for that problems. I have replied to 2 persons but it’s correct or wrong i don’t know if you say it’s correct then no problem i will try to help others. I have created this word app i just know about this links i need more links that which is possible to help the people


Helping others in Connect means making your knowledge available. Connect is a platform where users help each other by sharing what they know. Wanting to help is a good thing, @Rakshi2 but it requires first knowing what we’re talking about. Copying a link to a previously given reply for the same conversation, or giving a reply that is not part of or related to the conversation is certainly not a good way to start.
The best choice, as advised by others in your previous post on this same subject, is to learn first. you learn from personal experience, and you learn by reading a lot and understanding what you read.

Having a links file can be a useful thing. I personally don’t do it, because I already know how to look for information to share, but this is something that belongs to the experience.

Since this post is about a subject you’ve already written about, to keep Connect organized I’m merging your post with the previous one

It’s ok sir @ErmesT

Then who can help me sir? @MortenCopenhagen Sir i think it’s easy to help me i think how you find the links are how you minded for helping people i mean how you remember the solution for the problem and explain me sir where find the links easily of all whare i can save it for find immediately

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There are no shortcuts. You need to study, read a ton, make notes when you see something you want to remember. As I suggested, collect bookmarks, use the macros, understand the issues, and if you don’t know the answers wait until others share their replies and keep learning.

Also, you need to be a curious Maps user. Learn from your actions on Maps and Connect and you will improve over time.



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This is exactly like when you askedexplain me how add best review just send me preview sir i will follow it and i will post same message by making some difference”, @Rakshi2

as @MortenCopenhagen said “There are no shortcuts”. You will have to learn by yourself, not to try to be a clone of Morten or others that are sharing here their own experience. In Connect “we are original”, and this is part of the process of growing.

Coping contents created by others will not make you a better Local Guide, growing with your own experience is the only way. Learning, not coping

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I would like also to add, @Rakshi2 , that the first way for a Local Guide to help others is through our contributions in Google Maps, and our first experience about rules and tips should be a clear mirror of what we add in Maps.

It is quite difficult to be mentor of others if we do not respect the rules first. I am talking about your last set of photos, uploaded here.

While it is perfectly fine to have a photo of the storefront of a business, for others to understand how the place appears from the street, what is the logic of adding 9 photos taken outside and none of the interior (?), also considering that:

  • two are completely dark
  • two are blurred
  • two are showing the same entrance with a small difference in zoom

What is the benefit of having that kind of photos? Is this a way to help others?

We had a lot of people in Connect who pasted here copied articles about how to take better photos, how to write great reviews, and so on, showing an expertise that was in contradiction with their contributions in Maps. That’s what it means “sharing your own experience and expertise”.

That’s why you have to learn by yourself. This means growing up, this means “knowing” the things you are talking about, and it cannot be done by borrowing the experience of others


Hello @ErmesT

Once now check my profile i have deleted the photos some & it’s my camera problem i think and i have wented at 6:40 PM to take the photos… I am currently studying there, and i can’t asked any permission for taking the photos because there’s no students & no teachers i have taken empty school images after when we go to the house. Without asking the permission it’s not a problem to take empty class room photo’s or empty school told by the Traveller G sir. And are you say make delete the street view photos also uploaded 3. Hey i have an doubt if i add (taking 360° photos like street view) street view photo for long 30 metres it’s two can connected are this two not connected?

Well, the point is, @Rakshi2 : why we have to tell you what you should avoid, for you to fix it?

It’s funny, isn’t it, to think of yourself as a mentor, or guide, who needs to be guided all the time.
Relax, take the necessary time and use it to learn, when you know things by yourself you will avoid mistakes and consequently you will be able to be useful to others.

This is not a competition in which we have to prove we are good at all costs. Our business card is our contributions in Maps. Anyone who wants to share their knowledge is welcome, as long as it is ours

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To Connect 360° photos you need to use a third party software, @Rakshi2 . The auto connection was removed Long Time Ago.

In any case I would never connect two photos that are at a distance of 30 meters from each other

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Ok sir @ErmesT

I will take/spend my time for learning the rules, taking photos & more. And also sir i have trying to help the people i think you already saw my comments on there also please say to me sir there’s also any mistakes with me while I am trying to help them? Here where I tried to help

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Friend, mistakes are made by a new servant, but ask him what to do. Residual = work learn and help people